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Title: NonBinary_LDPC Download
 Description: LDPC code is now the main application of 5G, so the program studies the method to realize the coding and decoding of multi-digit LDPC code, which has a certain role in further learning the LDPC code.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
NonBinary_LDPC\BSD.txt 1474 2006-05-07
NonBinary_LDPC\Encoding.cpp 13283 2006-05-07
NonBinary_LDPC\Encoding.h 2180 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\LDPC_1.cpp 3308 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\LDPC_1.h 3490 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\LDPC_2.cpp 18789 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\LDPC_2.h 23058 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Main.cpp 5693 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Makefile 679 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Portability.h 4316 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\q_LDPC 76135 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\q_LDPC.dsp 5156 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\q_LDPC.dsw 537 2002-07-25
NonBinary_LDPC\q_LDPC.exe 94208 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Readme.txt 2365 2006-05-07
NonBinary_LDPC\Utils_1.cpp 1499 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Utils_1.h 3932 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Utils_2.cpp 6437 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Utils_2.h 11940 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC\Work.opt 491 2006-05-01
NonBinary_LDPC 0 2010-04-28

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