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Title: 极值理论matlab实现 Download
 Description: Realization of extreme value theory by MATLAB
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
den.m 3383 2001-03-24
emplot.m 1414 2001-05-15
evim.pdf 286528 2001-10-23
exindex.m 1861 2001-05-15
findthresh.m 773 2001-05-15
gev.m 1806 2001-05-15
gpd.m 3259 2005-05-09
gpd_q.m 6178 2001-05-15
hessi.m 1580 2001-03-10
hessigev.m 1253 2001-04-10
hessigpd.m 1583 2001-03-10
hessipot.m 1775 2001-03-23
hillplot.m 2441 2001-05-15
meplot.m 655 2001-05-15
negloglikgev.m 328 2001-03-25
negloglikgpd.m 336 2001-03-24
negloglikpot.m 942 2001-03-26
nlcongpd.m 105 2001-03-24
parloglik.m 294 2001-03-25
pgev.m 217 2001-05-15
pgpd.m 222 2001-05-15
plot_gev.m 938 2001-05-15
plot_gpd.m 1874 2001-05-15
plot_pot.m 2324 2001-05-15
plotgpdpot.m 1622 2001-05-09
pot.m 3073 2001-05-15
ppoints.m 224 2001-03-09
qgev.m 249 2001-05-15
qgpd.m 400 2001-05-15
qplot.m 2010 2001-05-15
quant.m 4531 2001-05-15
records.m 700 2001-05-15
rgev.m 285 2001-05-15
rgpd.m 289 2001-05-15
shape2.asv 3201 2004-11-06
shape2.m 3007 2004-11-06
shape.asv 3202 2004-11-06
shape.m 3224 2004-11-06
surecol.m 135 2001-05-09
block.m 818 2001-05-17
bmw.mat 49352 2001-04-13
cummax.m 157 2001-03-12
dan.mat 17520 2001-04-13
decluster.m 1187 1999-05-16

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