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Title: BigInt Download
 Description: Big integer in C++. Allows for addition, subtraction and comparison
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader Tryme]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
BigInt\BigInt.cbp 1134 2017-11-02
BigInt\BigInt.cpp 6642 2017-12-30
BigInt\BigInt.depend 1331 2018-02-06
BigInt\BigInt.h 692 2017-12-25
BigInt\BigInt.layout 727 2018-02-06
BigInt\BigInt.o 50981 2017-11-08
BigInt\bin\Debug\BigInt.exe 1285131 2018-02-05
BigInt\main.cpp 2485 2018-02-05
BigInt\obj\Debug\BigInt.o 183895 2018-01-02
BigInt\obj\Debug\main.o 63554 2018-02-05
BigInt\bin\Debug 0 2018-02-05
BigInt\obj\Debug 0 2018-02-05
BigInt\bin 0 2017-12-25
BigInt\obj 0 2017-12-25
BigInt 0 2018-02-06

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