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Title: NppFTP-x86 Download
 Description: NppFTP is a small plug-in on Notepad++, it can easily realize FTP, FTPES and SFTP communication. Xiaobian here brings you the latest Chinese version of NppFTP plug-in, welcome to download and use.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xuelong111]
 To Search:
File list (Check if you may need any files):
bin 0 2017-12-16
bin\NppFTP.dll 2715648 2017-12-16
doc 0 2017-12-16
doc\_layouts 0 2017-12-16
doc\_layouts\default.html 1247 2017-12-16
doc\css 0 2017-12-16
doc\css\stylesheet.css 7607 2017-12-16
doc\images 0 2017-12-16
doc\images\bg_hr.png 78 2017-12-16
doc\images\blacktocat.png 463 2017-12-16
doc\images\icon_download.png 216 2017-12-16
doc\images\sprite_download.png 14832 2017-12-16
doc\index.md 5852 2017-12-16
doc\license_NppFTP.txt 35821 2017-12-16
doc\license_OpenSSL.txt 6395 2017-12-16
doc\license_TiXML.txt 928 2017-12-16
doc\license_UTCP.htm 14062 2017-12-16
doc\license_ZLIB.txt 1353 2017-12-16
doc\license_libssh.txt 26304 2017-12-16

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