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Title: STC_Download Download
 Description: STC-Download/STC-ISP download tools (SCM STC89C51 online download) must components : SPComm (must), VCLSkin (can be removed)------------------------ 23 : 13 July 4, 2005---------- 1. a repeat download gong to facilitate downloading more than two chips. even improved search algorithm 13 : 23 July 4, 2005------------------- 1. increased Hex documents functions can be directly printed documents Hex 2. Bin revised document printed in function, achieving Bin documents directly printed, Hex decoder to further include a memory : 12 July 4, 2005------------------- 1. Optimization download speeds, baud rate will increase from 1200 to 57600 2. chip recognition rate increase, as long as the end 16H, chips are legitimate response to the value of 3. increased chip versio
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