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Title: Oracle8_UML Download
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  • Oracle
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  • 8.92mb
  • Update:
  • 2012-11-26
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • hias_asia
 Description: The emergence of object-oriented software development has become an important milestone in history. Book in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the user how to use object-oriented model for database design, including the logical model and physical data model. "Oracle8 UML object modeling design" covers the actual design and construction of the database for the all the necessary topics, such as the domain settings, naming conventions, non-standardized operation and logical structure that can be physically implemented in different ways, and through traditional ERD and called the new object-oriented UML standard display a large number of examples. Relational database based on the book not only including modeling techniques, but also through the added richness of UML object-oriented languages and to further deepen the concept of class. This book is a worthy area of Oracle database modeling design on the main reference guide. This book not only for some of the field in a relational dat
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Oracle8 UML对象建模设计.pdf

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