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Title: 源代码-高源 Download
 Description: including 10 Source : Order a system tray (Hint/AB tray), the icon shows bubble boxes (Tool Tip) 2 floppy disk formatting code procedures 3 a virtual disk drive mapping for the four software can be the most "advanced" system information, such as the password caching system, PROXY setup, MAC used five Flashget and network ant friends should know that the IE right-click a right-click menu use (xxxxx). The code on the realization of this function. Can be obtained on the website, select the text link address, and pictures. 6 caused a stir source code, Windows Lane in every one of the smallest window button side a new button, This new button's function is to minimize the window to the system status bar, and strongly recommended! ! ! 7 a system procedures, the system can see the
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