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Title: keyframe Download
 Description: keyframe get keyframe get
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 To Search: keyframe
  • [VFWCapture] - video frame capture the source code and
  • [ShotDetect] - A class which realize the algorithm to c
  • [dominantcolor] - video processing, the camera's key frame
  • [motiondetect] - Based on OPENCV of, vc++ Image processin
  • [cbvr] - This is a shot boundary detection on the
  • [vsnaps] - Mainly used to handle video, including y
  • [FuzzyCMean] - Fuzzy c clustering code
  • [KeyFrameCapture] - Key-frame video capture, full VC++ sourc
  • [KeyFrameDiff] - I graduated from design, matlab key fram
  • [keyFrame] - Avi video format from bmp format to extr
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