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Title: tdm_hdlc Download
 Description: in large communication system (Plug-rack), plus veneer through TDM bus, HDLC protocol using internal communications FO
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader hubinglong]
  • [norti2.0] - -The norti source code of Real-Time & Em
  • [HJ] - automobile valve-controlled production s
  • [ExampleSoftwareQMCinHDLCModeonSCC2] - MPC860 initialization QMC in HDLC model
  • [wrlviewer] - Functions/Classes:
  • [HDLC_serial] - This a use of HDLC protocol to the seria
  • [hdlc_t] - str710 series of agreements hdlc communi
  • [init_hdlc] - communications network dedicated HW 2M l
  • [MSComm] - MSComm through serial port transmission
  • [HDLC_PROTOCOL_CN] - ISO-HDLC the Chinese version of the agre
  • [cc] - Fault Indicator Single-phase Ground Faul
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