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Title: 93317463main_Uv2 Download
 Description: RC522 integrity procedures can be assured no need to change the use,呵呵呵can say thank you run out of Kazakhstan
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader chao-ac3]
 To Search: rc522 RFID
  • [main_Uv2] - a specific project procedures, C51 proce
  • [VB] - Frequency RFID Development Kit includes
  • [anti-collision] - Adaptive Splitting Protocols for RFID ta
  • [RFID] - The use of radio frequency card reader U
  • [rc500] - MF RC500 KEIL C51
  • [RC522] - UCOS platform in the realization of Phil
  • [ISO14443A_B_DESFIRE] - A strong source of RF card reader, suppo
  • [RC522CONTROL_CODE] - C code to read and write control RC522,
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