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Title: svr Download
 Description: One-dimensional support vector machine regression, as well as two-dimensional support vector machine regression
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 赵星]
  • [mmySVM] - SVM a procedure can be done regression a
  • [LSSVMtoolbox] - Personal feeling is best to use least sq
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  • [SPI_TEST] - DSP2812 literacy program, test passed. E
  • [lib_gridsearch] - libsvm optimization process parameters.
  • [SVM] - This is an article on the Support Vector
  • [lhtgaijin] - svm forecasting process definitely can,
  • [svm-predict] - Parts of SVM for predict,gteat function
  • [svr] - the sourse of svm,it is the basic styple
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