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SourceCode Windows Develop GUI Develop EditBox

EditBox List Page 1

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Description: This system is used for all Web applications, such as website management backstage, website member center, CMS, CRM, OA.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 5Wo0xZ | Hits:


Description: This system is used for all Web applications, such as website management backstage, website member center, CMS, CRM, OA.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: m0c4l7 | Hits:


Description: 挺不错的一个类。虚妄对你比较有用
Platform: | Size: 3971 | Author: 766713869@qq.om | Hits:


Description: Stunning edit box application, beginners can borrow good times deeper development program.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 程峰 | Hits:


Description: Lcd simulation program, you can try, can be a good option information
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: shaynpg | Hits:


Description: We can get more than 30 characteristics of CPU such as CPU cache size, pipeline number and so on.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: fuiywbkm | Hits:

[EditBoxSimple Label Edit

Description: Install component project. It's a read-only TEdit that simulates a TLabel that allows its text to be copied and pasted. Useful for showing read-only information that uses can copy and paste, such as web-site addresses or
Platform: | Size: 4838 | Author: gheffz | Hits:


Description: ansys模拟焊接过程温度场 apdl命令流
Platform: | Size: 7628 | Author: 736920700@qq.com | Hits:

[EditBoxTSkinEdit - skin edit window for Windows

Description: This is a source code for TSkinEdit - component that support skin tehnology and allow to paint some background beneath typed text! It can paint gradient or texture or simple color.
Platform: | Size: 9004 | Author: jorik666 | Hits:

[EditBoxUDF for velocity

Description: Pressure_transient_unsteady
Platform: | Size: 404 | Author: bagaromu | Hits:


Description: EditBox字符串水平垂直居中,适用MFC界面EditBox风格扩展
Platform: | Size: 1769 | Author: vinson09 | Hits:


Description: 自动识别图像重合部分及边框等等,通过图像处理函数自动合并图像。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Platform: | Size: 72889492 | Author: 2634***** | Hits:
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