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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop ActiveX/DCOM/ATL
Title: ActiveX Download
 Description: Containing six internal source code, respectively, are arbitrarily set the color of the button controls, arbitrary shape of the button control, with graphical button control with drop-down list select the button control, add the title bar at the button control, you can select the color value of button controls the source code. These codes can be used, and programming rigorous study are a good example.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader chensavvy]
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  • [B29] - In a window s title bar to add a button,
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
.......\4.1 任意设置颜色的按钮控件

.......\4.2 任意形状的按钮控件

.......\4.3 带图形的按钮控件


.......\4.4 带下拉选择列表的按钮控件

.......\4.5 添加在标题栏的按钮控件


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