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Title: AT89C51yaokonggongfang Download
 Description: Multimedia 5.1-channel amplifier remote control package (schematic diagram produced a full set of component parameters) of the function description: 1. When A low when, AC-3 lights lit, that is, AC-3 input mode when the A when is high, STEREO lights lit, that is, STEREO input 2. When the STANDBY lamp lights when the standby state this LED flashing when the MUTE state, PT2258 for the mute state, while low STANDBY 3. the channel (FRONT, SUB, REAR, CENT) its fine-tuning to adjust the volume /-5dB adjust the volume from 01 ~ 80dB4. panel without any keys are remote control 5. just machines for the standby mode, boot volume to 50dB, and the fine-tuning for 0dB, 6. according to the REST button remote control, the system for boot-up status, 7. PT2258 total volume attenuation 80DB, by remote control every time attenuation 1dB,
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