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Title: MATLAB-TOOLBOX Download
 Description: Toolbox MATLAB language-TOOLBOX Practical Guide for scientific algorithms, automatic control, signal processing, neural networks and other fields of science.
 To Search:
  • [Feedback_Systems] - this is the English version of the princ
  • [matlab15] - Tutorial MATLAB Toolbox Neural Network T
  • [Turbo_simulink] - err
  • [BP] - I have written with VisualC++ Achieved B
  • [NNPIDyingyong] - PID neural network control system in the
  • [setdebug] - Upgraded to debug privileges
  • [LowLevelKeyboardHook] - LowLevelKeyboardHook keyboard hook
  • [ran] - Neural network to solve the allocation o
  • [bp] - Wavelet neural network power load foreca
  • [tunningPIDbyPSO] - The use of elementary particle swarm opt
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