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Title: udt3 Download
 Description: udt3 version. udt4 many online version of the first to provide special udt3 version for some friends to download research
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 To Search: udt
  • [RUP] - UDP simulation using TCP connections, in
  • [WinUdt] - very good simulation of TCP UDP, I trans
  • [udt.sdk.3.3.tar] - udt.sdk.3.3, UDP reliable transmission p
  • [udt.sdk.m.final.patch.1.tar] - UDT-based open source UDP transmission o
  • [udt4] - This is the UDT code, is written in C, i
  • [VBcommu] - VB based on complete serial communicatio
  • [udt.4.4.win32_with_VC6] - udt.4.4, linux+vc.net+vc6. UDT is a reli
  • [P2PDemo] - it is difficulty to get the p2p demo,i h
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