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Title: DDram Download
 Description: 07 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest winning entries C title peripheral interface FPGA dual-port RAM part of source
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader abcsry456]
 To Search: ddram DDR VHDL FPGA RAM
  • [USBXilinx] - a serial communication interface of all
  • [dpram_fpga] - This is the language I used vhdl in fpga
  • [myUART] - This is the company I used the sparten3
  • [FPGA_27eg] - FPGA value of the 27 examples. Rar inclu
  • [IDT7132] - AT89C52 expand external dual-port RAM (I
  • [2001_PLL] - 2001 national college student electronic
  • [dul_ram(yk)] - On the dual-port RAM in Verilog HDL sour
  • [dianzishejidasai] - 2003 National Design Competition Electro
  • [001] - National University in 2003 Monk Competi
  • [DRAM] - IDT7132/7142 is a high-speed 2k × 8 dual
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