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Title: 200410415591628827 Download
 Description: Code name: VC+ MapX source mapdemo, including GPS tracking demonstration of the author/collector: jeason development environment: VC+ MapX code Introduction: The routine functions of a comprehensive, in the VC environment research and study of a very good reference sample code. Contains the function: 1.map object creation, and add the map data, layer control, open the GST file 2. Map control, the basic zoom and mobile features 3. 4.i map features selected query 5. Data binding, including the ODBC , NORMAL, an array of binding, etc. 6. create a thematic map function 7. simulated GPS monitoring, set up to monitor goals, monitoring the moving target simulation and mapping for mobile trajectory 8. map object editing function, add point, line, surface, text, arc and elliptical 9. hand-painted layers to show scale
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