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Title: rbf Download
 Description: the rbf neural network matlab files, can be used for stock market prediction, to generate error maps, prediction chart
  • [RBFmodeling.Rar] - MATLAB is the RBF neural network modelin
  • [mathmodel] - This a good model to study the informati
  • [gawnn] - genetic algorithm optimization WNN sourc
  • [shenjingwangluojiemian] - using Matlab addendum to the neural netw
  • [RBF-nn] - four input layer, hidden layer 3, the ou
  • [GFClass] - This is a RBFN MATLAB source for the two
  • [Predict] - Based on BP neural network prediction mo
  • [rbf1] - This source code is used MATLAB training
  • [rbf] - Achieved a RBF network, has been printed
  • [RBF] - Use of RBF for time series prediction ca
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