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Title: LMS Download
 Description: Receiver adaptive equalizer of LMS algorithm MATLAB simulation
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader d0702]
 To Search: lms equalizer
  • [CMA_Equalizer] - adaptive equalizer (CMA) and Matlab simu
  • [LMSEQUAL] - LMS algorithm using adaptive equalizer i
  • [lms_communication] - study for the adaptive equalizer LMS alg
  • [lms4] - lms classical algorithm, achieving adapt
  • [LMS] - LMS adaptive equalizer simulation progra
  • [LMS] - Minimum mean-square (LMS) adaptive algor
  • [AutomaticDecreeFeedbackEqualizer] - The source process is adaptive filtering
  • [FFT] - image Regsiter use FFT
  • [adaptivelms] - Based on wavelet transform adaptive vari
  • [cc] - lms
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