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Title: plugin Download
 Description: Design of plug-ins is that many programmers would like to know the knowledge very much, especially for use to carry out procedures designed vc developers, examples in this regard is very little
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader ypshao]
 To Search: Plugin
  • [MaxthonPluginSDK] - famous traveling the browser plugin plug
  • [plug-inforPIL1_4] - most famous plug-in libraries, Version 1
  • [lks] - for everyone- 2 Keil plug-in, the averag
  • [VC_plus] - vc plugin source code, the code can refe
  • [client_tools] - Client Management System system uses a n
  • [SerialPort] - Serial communications, based on c++ Of a
  • [LoadDllRes] - Visual C++ to create pure resource DLL t
  • [COMapp] - com APp
  • [FireFox_Plugin.tar] - Firefox Plugin development of a simple r
  • [11] - Ah take a look at the plug-in management
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