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Title: LibraryManage Download
 Description: Library management system Chapter 1 introduction to the system Library is an important component of colleges and universities. It is not only a place for the preservation of a series of scientific materials, such as books and abstracts, but also a place for teachers and students to acquire knowledge. Since the library mainly stores large volumes of book information and circulation work, computers have been used in book management very early. Along with the development of the era, was born the new books management system management system, network, replace the original traditional computer management system, it USES a large database, not only ensures the accuracy of the data, and provides from borrowing, return, renew, book classification and so on a series of management solution. The new generation of network book management system is the most ideal tool for library management. 1.1 system login System login is the entrance to the library management system, as shown in figure 1.1. Enter "Mr" in the administrator name text box, and the password is "mrsoft". Click ok to enter the library management system.
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