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Title: MPEGaac Download
 Description: \ mpeg2 \ doc \ mpeg2enc.doc and mpeg2dec.doc document contains a decoder for further information. \ Verify a group used for the certification of small images and the data flow, and used to automatically detect encoder and decoder output of the Unix shell script file. \ Src \ mpeg2enc encoder source code and compiled under VC executable \ mpeg2dec decoder source code and compiled under VC executable \ par is a group of 25 per second in 30 and the rate under MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 encoding of the document encoding parameters. \ Bin presented the document executable \ mpeg2ply to include a broadcast and mpeg1 mpeg2 video stream of windows executable. \ AAC \ aacenc mpeg2 AAC audio coding procedures \ aacdec mpeg2 AAC Audio Decoder
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