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Description: 软件测试中的web测试,介绍了几种web测试的方法(Web testing in software testing, describes several methods of web testing)
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 秋水hhh | Hits:

[WEB CodeGo Web编程.pdf

Description: go web 开发资料,go 语言学习必备。Go是一种新的语言,一种并发的、带垃圾回收的、快速编译的语言(go web development information)
Platform: | Size: 4282368 | Author: golang | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET WEB API 框架揭秘 源码(ASP.NET WEB API framework sample code)
Platform: | Size: 33501184 | Author: RobinGao | Hits:

[WEB CodeWEB前端标准在各浏览器中的差异

Description: 简述前端web标准在不同浏览器下的差异问题,为前端学习者丰富浏览器知识!(A brief description of the difference between the front-end web standards under different browsers, and to enrich the browser knowledge for the front-end learners!)
Platform: | Size: 1345536 | Author: passionLeo | Hits:

[JSP/Java2018 年 Java,Web 和移动程序员学习的 12 个框架

Description: 2018 年 Java,Web 和移动程序员学习的 12 个框架(The 12 frameworks that Java, Web, and mobile programmers learned in 2018)
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 明天是否蓝 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCreating Web Pages For Dummies (2004)

Description: Bebak A., Smith B.E. Creating Web Pages For Dummies (2004)(7-th)(en)(362s)
Platform: | Size: 2945024 | Author: mark_rose | Hits:

[SCMTPYBoard v202-Web服务器

Description: 使用micropython和TPYBoardv202(主控esp8266)搭建了一个简单的web服务器,可以实现网页的交互。(Use micropython and TPYBoardv202 (Master esp8266) to build a simple web server that can interact on a web page.)
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: 林小森 | Hits:

[WEB CodeWeb代理服务器 RabbIT.tar

Description: 以Java实现的Web代理服务器,内容见Zip(Realize a web sever by using java)
Platform: | Size: 769024 | Author: 御景_ | Hits:

[Otherweb programming security

Description: web编程安全相关的指导和学习ppt,初学者适用(web programming security)
Platform: | Size: 1032192 | Author: 射鲸少年 | Hits:

[Other《Go Web编程》 (谢孟军)

Description: 《Go Web编程》介绍如何用Go语言进行Web应用的开发,将Go语言的特性与Web开发实战组合到一起,帮读者成功地构建跨平台的应用程序,节省Go语言开发Web的宝贵时间。有了这些针对真实问题的解决方案放在手边,大多数编程难题都会迎刃而解。 在《Go Web编程》中,读者可以更加方便地找到各种编程问题的解决方案,内容涵盖文本处理、表单处理、Session管理、数据库交互、加/解密、国际化和标准化,以及程序的部署维护等运维方面的知识,最后还介绍了一个快速开发的框架帮助您迅速进入Go语言的Web开发。("Go Web programming" introduces how to use the Go language to develop the Web application, combining the characteristics of the Go language with the actual battle of the Web development, helping the readers to successfully build the cross platform application, and save the precious time of the Web in the Go language. With these solutions for real problems at hand, most programming problems will be solved. In Go Web programming, readers can find solutions to various programming problems more easily. The content covers text processing, form processing, Session management, database interaction, encryption / decryption, internationalization and standardization, and the deployment and maintenance of programs. Finally, a rapid development is introduced. The framework helps you quickly enter the Web development of Go language.)
Platform: | Size: 6175744 | Author: 灰鼠 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweb

Description: 大二期末 java web.用到数据库,jdbc.myeclipse实现用户的注册,登陆 并且不能出现500错误,用户不能重复注册。当用户任意点击时也不能出现500错误(At the end of sophomore year, Java web. is used in database, jdbc.myeclipse realizes user registration and landing. And there is no 500 error. Users can't repeat registration. There is no 500 error when the user is clicking at random)
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: cc4 | Hits:


Description: web开发者知识体系 旨在为入门开发者快速提升自身水平提供升级路线,为遇到瓶颈的开发者指南,答疑解惑。全书主体是高级php工程师的知识体系,采用朴素易懂的语言编写,以期达到口传心授的目的。(Web developer knowledge system)
Platform: | Size: 11697152 | Author: awdken98027@chacuo.n | Hits:


Description: JAVA WEB 开发教学书籍 [21天学通Java.Web开发].卜炟.扫描版(21days' JAVA.WEB Learning (PDF version))
Platform: | Size: 49586176 | Author: 琥珀核桃 | Hits:

[WEB CodeFlaskWeb开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战

Description: 《Flask Web开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战》则采用讲解与实例相结合的方式,不仅介绍了Flask安装、使用等基础知识,而且还带领读者一步一步地开发了社交博客Flasky。("Flask Web development: Web application development based on Python" adopts a combination of explanation and example, not only introduces the basic knowledge of Flask installation and use, but also leads the reader to develop the social blog Flasky step by step.)
Platform: | Size: 9063424 | Author: fdklsvndv | Hits:


Description: 安卓系统下的WEB服务,端口7777,可以自由修改,HTML代码可以根据需要更换,delphi X10编译照样使用(Android system WEB services, port 7777, can be modified freely, HTML code can be replaced as needed.)
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: 老周11 | Hits:


Description: This code is an example of Bot for Whatsapp Web.
Platform: | Size: 4674 | Author: file_21 | Hits:


Description: Web安全第一书,国内唯一多语全球发行安全著作,最佳原创 技术书大奖得主,道哥力作! 互联网时代的数据安全与个人隐私受到前所未有的挑战,各种 新奇的攻击技术层出不穷。如何才能更好地保护我们的数据? 本书将带你走进Web安全的世界,让你了解Web安全的方方面 面。(Web safety first book, the only multilingual global distribution security book in China, best original Technical book prize winner, Dow brother! In the Internet era, data security and personal privacy have been challenged unprecedentedly. New attack techniques emerge in an endless stream. How can we better protect our data? This book will lead you into the world of Web security, so that you can understand the security aspects of Web. Noodles. This book is based on Wu Hanqing, vice president of security treasure, for several years in the top Internet Co. Interworking experience, which is highly maneuverable in solution. Analysis of many wrong ways and erroneous zones has a good reference price for safety workers.)
Platform: | Size: 10948608 | Author: 13101586689 | Hits:

[LabViewweb service

Description: labview webservice范例(about labview web service)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: szaitech | Hits:

[WEB CodeSharePoint Dynamic Calendar Web Part

Description: Sharepoint On premise web part for Dynamic Calender
Platform: | Size: 54089 | Author: ls84475 | Hits:

[WebsiteA Web Mobile - Programe para um Mundo de Muitos Dispositivos - Casa do Codigo

Description: A Web Mobile - Programe para um Mundo de Muitos Dispositivos - Casa do Codigo
Platform: | Size: 1797187 | Author: solenir0 | Hits:
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