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[Web ServerWEB

Description: java实现web服务器-计网第一次试验(Java implementation of web server)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 满岛光 | Hits:


Description: 三种web自定义控件的源码,有详细的开发代码,js代码,附带测试效果页面(The source code of three web custom controls,There are detailed development code, JS code, and test effect page.)
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: Visionaries | Hits:


Description: 用AngularJS开发下一代Web应用-中文版(AngularJS developing technology Chinese Edition)
Platform: | Size: 3151872 | Author: MPower | Hits:

[WEB Codego-web-programming

Description: learn go web programming
Platform: | Size: 6006784 | Author: tcepeak | Hits:

[JSP/JavaJava Web开发学习手册

Description: Java Web开发学习手册Java Web development learning manual(Java Web development learning manual)
Platform: | Size: 89254912 | Author: 昊然 | Hits:

[WEB CodePowerBuilder+9.0+Web开发篇

Description: pb中web开发资料,还不错,大家可以看看学习下(PowerBuilder web develop document)
Platform: | Size: 33169408 | Author: misliu | Hits:

[Web ServerWeb服务器

Description: 超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,实现GET/POST 的 Web 处理,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。(Super lightweight Http Server, used for learning is very good, Web GET/POST, can help us understand the nature of the server program.)
Platform: | Size: 69692416 | Author: vision2sky | Hits:


Description: 基于WEB的图书管理系统的设计与实现、可以试试(the design and implementation of books management system based on WEB)
Platform: | Size: 878592 | Author: cai8150 | Hits:


Description: 用java开发的采用red5视频流服务的web视频会议系统,功能超级强大,尤其是白板功能(The web video conference system with red5 video streaming service developed by Java is super powerful, especially the whiteboard function)
Platform: | Size: 984064 | Author: 595+923 | Hits:

[WEB Code响应式web设计

Description: 介绍媒体查询、弹性布局、web响应式设计,html5及css3的新特性(Introduce the new features of media query, elastic layout, Web response design, HTML5 and CSS3)
Platform: | Size: 11160576 | Author: 手中一只猫 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweb

Description: 网页制作模板 只利用css制作而成,不涉及到js等特效(Web page making template)
Platform: | Size: 2028544 | Author: 西门吹牛B | Hits:

[JSPJava Web编程宝典-十年典藏版

Description: Java Web编程书籍,快速入门SSM框架(Java Web program book, can fast master java web)
Platform: | Size: 104512512 | Author: densdfsdfg | Hits:

[JSPMLDN李兴华Java Web开发实战经典

Description: java web中经典实例,为初学者们提供了很好的学习的机会(Classic examples in Java Web)
Platform: | Size: 94221312 | Author: 小科比 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweb前端黑客技术揭秘

Description: web前端的黑客技术解密,一本书和大家一起分享,请笑纳(Hacker technology decryption on the front end of Web)
Platform: | Size: 2394112 | Author: 小杜L | Hits:


Description: Web前端开发参考手册,可以学习,也可以在开发时进行参考。有完整的知识框架。(Web front-end development reference manual, can be learned, and can be used in the development of reference. There is a complete framework of knowledge.)
Platform: | Size: 66030592 | Author: 53412343 | Hits:


Description: 开源软件Web集群架构 文档,该文档列举了常见的集群软件(Open source software Web cluster architecture document, the document lists the common cluster software)
Platform: | Size: 1142784 | Author: mantiger | Hits:


Description: 利用本地文件实现web搜索引擎,通过关键词查找搜索本地网页(Using local files to implement the web search engine, search for local web pages by keyword)
Platform: | Size: 8909824 | Author: Orangehc | Hits:

[OtherAmazon Web Services An Overview.tar

Description: Amazon web-services overview
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: ossi | Hits:

[WEB Codecooks-web

Description: template web site developper cooks
Platform: | Size: 1182720 | Author: belgo | Hits:


Description: WEB技术写得一个实训网站,游戏主题,不完善,是用来完成web技术这门课程的实训作品,只有简单的几个界面跳转。其他的记不清了。(WEB technology has written a training website. The theme of the game is not perfect. It is a practical work for completing web technology. There are only a few interface jumps. The others don't remember.)
Platform: | Size: 1408000 | Author: dqqq | Hits:
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