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[Windows Developweather

Description: 查看气象云图的程序-Show meteorological cloud procedures
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 气象程序,欢迎参考-weather procedures, welcomed the reference
Platform: | Size: 1503232 | Author: whp | Hits:


Description: 有关天气的,20分钟内完成-on the weather, completed within 20 minutes
Platform: | Size: 2366464 | Author: 董阿 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWeather Ef17942452001

Description: Weather Effects Demo
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 王逸翔 | Hits:


Description: 人工神经网络天气预报方法-ANN weather forecasting method
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王大田 | Hits:

[Windows Developv0577_WsdnWeather

Description: WSDN 天气预报实时显示系统源码 下载 WSDN WEB图章自动生成系统的数据库实现,可添加或修改(删除)城市的天气情况,通过数据库显现在图片上,采用Microsoft公司C#.NET(GDI+)技术开发.-WSDN forecast real-time display system source code download WSDN WEB seal automatic generation system, the database can be added or modified (deleted) city weather conditions through the database appear in the pictures, using Microsoft C#.NET (GDI) technology.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 飞雪 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringchap8320

Description: 天气雷达地物杂波的计算机仿真以及在信号处理中的应用-weather radar ground clutter of computer simulation and signal processing applications
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 常乐 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringchap4832

Description: 天气雷达的地物杂波的模拟及其仿真,还有对其信号的抑制-weather radar ground clutter simulation and the simulation, there are inhibiting its signal
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 常乐 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringchap8323

Description: 天气雷达的地物杂波的模拟及其仿真,还有对其信号的抑制-weather radar ground clutter simulation and the simulation, there are inhibiting its signal
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 常乐 | Hits:


Description: 基于遗传算法的BP神经网络气象预报建模,20世纪90年代以来,国内外在大气学科中开展了很多有关神经网络预报建模和气候分析等应用研究。然而随着神经网络方法在大气科学领域研究的不断深入,研究人员发现神经网络方法在实际业务天气预报应用中存在一个重要的问题-BP neural network modeling of weather forecasting, in the 20th century since the 1990s, domestic and international disciplines in the atmosphere among many of the neural network forecasting and climate modeling analysis applied research. However, with the neural network method atmospheric science research in the field continued to deepen, the researchers found neural network method in practical business applications exist forecast an important issue
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: zhxj | Hits:


Description: java读取新浪天气预报,把数据存储在数据库中-read weather forecasts, the data stored in the database
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 晓志 | Hits:


Description: 微軟提供PPC上的天氣報告源代碼,連服務器端和客戶端, c#開發.-provide weather reports on the source code, even the server and client, c# development.
Platform: | Size: 1777664 | Author: kelvin | Hits:


Description: 漂亮的天气图标,都是png图,特别好看。-beautiful weather icon, are png map, especially good-looking.
Platform: | Size: 1441792 | Author: rybhe | Hits:


Description: 为提高了短期负荷预测的精度根据季节气候的不同做不同的模糊处理并建立专家处理系统对天气做的模糊处理使预测结果令人满意-to a rise in short-term load forecasting accuracy under different seasonal climate so different fuzzy treatment and the establishment of the Expert Jimmy system for weather so fuzzy treatment made forecasting satisfactory results
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: bluebowl | Hits:


Description: J2ME实现天气查找的功能的代码。通过手机GPRS可以查找天气-J2ME weather you realize the function of the code. GPRS handsets can find weather
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: lordterry | Hits:


Description: 气象景象的模拟 :对气象景象中的云彩、雾、雨雪、海浪等不规则物体的建模及模拟方法进行了综述性介绍,对描述云彩的中点置 换法、描述烟雾的细胞自动机模型、描述雨雪的粒子系统和海浪的模拟方法展开了讨论,并指出了今后的研究重点。-simulated meteorological picture : the weather picture of clouds, fog, snow, waves and other irregular object modeling and simulation methods for presentation on the clouds described the midpoint displacement method. Description smoke Cellular Automata model, in addition to the description of particle system and wave simulation methods at the seminar, and that the focus of future research.
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: 曹宏飞 | Hits:

[WEB Codeweather-bobo

Description: asp编写的页面抓取程序,本例用于简单但非常好用的天气预报-asp page prepared by crawling process, in this case a simple but very useful for weather forecasts
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: bobo | Hits:

[WAP developweather(Wap)

Description: 本代码能自动获取全国各主要省市每日天气预报.查询城市名及返回选择城市天气预报-This code can automatically obtain the country
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 李文化 | Hits:


Description: 用matlab做的一个模糊天气预报系统,包括模糊推理及其仿真-Using matlab to do a fuzzy forecast system, including the fuzzy inference and simulation
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李艳芳 | Hits:

[OpenGL programMFC_OGLTest1

Description: 基于OPENGL的三维气象雷达资料的显示和信息处理-OPENGL-based three-dimensional weather radar information display and information processing
Platform: | Size: 2021376 | Author: wang | Hits:
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