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[Software Engineeringwaveform-signal-generator

Description: 基于FPGA的波形信号发生器的设计和实现,利用VHDL语言实现正弦波三角波等波形信号输出-The waveform signal generator based on FPGA design and implementation, using VHDL language to realize sine wave triangular wave and waveform signal output
Platform: | Size: 2052096 | Author: ocpuy | Hits:


Description: 绘制波形,经过测试,完全无任何问题,本代码,绘制波形的形状 -Draw the waveform, tested, completely without any problems, the code to draw the shape of the waveform
Platform: | Size: 2100224 | Author: YL | Hits:

[Software EngineeringThe-design-of-a-waveform-generator

Description: 设计一个波形发生器,模拟心电信号的产生,传输。-The design of a waveform generator, an analog ECG signal generation, transmission.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 紫夜轩 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingVB-Draw-diode-rectifier-waveform

Description: 使用VB绘制乘积波形,将两个余弦和正弦波乘积得到新的波形-VB drawing product waveform, two cosine and sine wave multiplied new waveform
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 程白羽 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringwaveform-generator

Description: 关于如何做波形发生器,及正弦波、三角波、方波,三种波相互转换!-On how to do the waveform generator, and the sine wave, triangle wave, square wave, three-wave conversion!
Platform: | Size: 253952 | Author: 瞧一瞧 | Hits:


Description: 信号波形发生器,内附proteus仿真工程及VsinTab正弦波表生成器-Signal waveform generator included proteus simulation the engineering and VsinTab sine wave table generator
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: dengke | Hits:


Description: 本系统应用VHDL语言及MAX+PLUS II仿真软件利用自顶向下的设计思想进行设计,结合示波器加以完成一个可应用于数字系统开发或实验时做输入脉冲信号或基准脉冲信号用的信号发生器,它具结构紧凑,性能稳定,设计结构灵活,方便进行多功能组合的特点,经济实用,成本低廉。具有产生四种基本波形脉冲信号(方波、三角波、锯齿波和正弦波),且脉冲信号输出幅度及输出频率可调,对于方波信号,还可以实现占空比可调。通过软件仿真和硬件测试都得到了预期的结果。-The system using VHDL language and MAX+ PLUS II simulation software using a top-down design ideas to design a combined oscilloscope be completed to do the input pulse signal or reference pulse signal with the signal generator used in digital system development or experimentalwith compact structure, stable performance, flexible structure design, convenient multifunction portfolio characteristics, economical and practical, low cost. Has four basic waveform pulse signal (square wave, triangle wave, sawtooth and sine wave), and the amplitude of the pulse signal output and the output frequency is adjustable, adjustable duty cycle square wave signal can also be achieved. Expected results through software simulation and hardware testing.
Platform: | Size: 1485824 | Author: xinxing | Hits:


Description: 截取波形图的任意一段图以便进行波形分析,游标读数跟着游标走动-cut out Waveform and move cursor
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 李婷 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programwaveform-generator

Description: 本文档包括波形发生器和峰值电压数字检测器的proteus仿真图和源程序-This document includes a waveform generator and the peak voltage of digital detector proteus simulation diagram and source program
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 杨勇 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programArbitrary-waveform-generator

Description: 基于51单片机的任意波形发生器,文档包括proteus仿真文件和keil源程序-Arbitrary waveform generator, can generate arbitrary waveform by DA conversion, document includes proteus simulation files and keil source code
Platform: | Size: 322560 | Author: 杨勇 | Hits:

[File Formatwaveform-generator

Description: 基于TLC5615的可编程波形发生器设计-TLC5615 based programmable waveform generator design
Platform: | Size: 599040 | Author: 郑飞燕 | Hits:


Description: its an waveform generator
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: David | Hits:


Description: 基于STM32的波形存储回放系统、可实现波形的存储和回放-Based the STM32 waveform storage playback system, storage and playback of the waveform can be realized
Platform: | Size: 8364032 | Author: 孙家梁 | Hits:


Description: 波形发生器,LED显示,键盘可控,AD9833芯片产生波形信号-Waveform generator, LED display, keyboard control, and AD9833 chip produce waveform signal
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: zeng | Hits:


Description: 能够产生电压中断、电压凸起、凹陷、以及谐波的波形,并将波形的采样数组通过串口发送-Able to generate a voltage is interrupted, the voltage projections, recesses, and harmonics of the waveform, and waveform sampling array is transmitted through the serial
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: Yang | Hits:


Description: 如何使用数据和读取语句来定义一个分段班轮波形-How to use the data and read the statement to define a segment liner waveform
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 任丹丹 | Hits:


Description: LabView波形图中多个游标的位置读取方法-LabView waveform graph cursor position read multiple
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 简要介绍了电磁波在空间的传播与GPS卫星信号的传输特性(ppt)-the transmission of electromagnet waveform and GPS signal
Platform: | Size: 185344 | Author: hedi | Hits:


Description: 公式波形生成与处理,用于比较复杂的labview编程技能的学习。-Formula waveform generation and processing
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 张智广 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringThe-design-of-the-waveform-generator

Description: 波形生器的设计:设计一款能产生3种以三种以上波形的信号发生器,要求有波形选择按,LED/LCD显示波形代号-Waveform generator design: design a can produce three kinds of three or more waveform signal generator, waveform display, LED/LCD waveform code is required
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 张星星 | Hits:
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