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Description: 在ucOS下建立Webserver,内面有网页可以传送动态连续监视画面,本java代码编出来class文件后可以完成此功能-ucOS established in Webserver, inside a web page can be transmitted dynamic continuous surveillance picture, the java class codes out documents to be completed this function
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 尸尸 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSuCOS-II at s3c44b0上的移植

Description: 实时操作系统uCOS-II在ARM处理器s3c44b0上的移植源代码-real-time operating system uCOS-II s3c44b0 the ARM processor on the transplant source code
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 郑强 | Hits:

[uCOSucos及文件系统ucfs VC环境调试代码

Description: ucos是一个非常优秀的嵌入式操作系统,但作者只提供了bc下测试与调试代码,非常难于调试与学习,特别是初学者。vc是windows下非常优秀的IDE,如果把ucos移植到vc下运行,将非常方便ucos的调试与学习,有利于于ucos的推广。此项目的目的是希望能够把ucos及其相关的文件系统ucfs,GUI界面ucgui,网络tcp/ip都移植过来,方便广大爱好者学习。-CENTER is a very good embedded operating system, the author provides only a bc under test and debug code is very difficult to debug and learning, especially beginners. Vc under windows is excellent IDE, if transplanted to vc CENTER run, CENTER will be very convenient debugging and learning, is conducive to the promotion CENTER. The objective of this project is to be able to give CENTER and its related documents ucfs system, ucgui GUI interface, network tcp/ip all transplant, the majority of enthusiasts facilitate learning.
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: 测试 | Hits:


Description: ucos在80x86的移植版本ucos252_x86-CENTER transplantation in the 80x86 version ucos252_x86 ...
Platform: | Size: 958464 | Author: 测试 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码

Description: uCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码.rar-uCOS-II in the C51 a complete LCD-source projects. Rar
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 章程 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxuCOS-IIi2c

Description: 基于ucos下的I2C主设备操作。包含i2c在ucos下的驱动-based on the I2C CENTER main equipment operators. I2c included in the drive CENTER
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: 夏天 | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II lwIP ports for TI C6000 DSP
Platform: | Size: 864256 | Author: gsh | Hits:

[uCOSucos ii中文版(包含范例)

Description: ucos ii中文版(包含范例)第一章:范例 在这一章里将提供三个范例来说明如何使用 µ C/OS-II。笔者之所以在本书一开始就写这一章是为了让读者尽快开始使用 µ C/OS-II。在开始讲述这些例子之前,笔者想先说明一些在这本书里的约定。 这些例子曾经用Borland C/C++ 编译器(V3.1)编译过,用选择项产生Intel/AMD80186处理器(大模式下编译)的代码。这些代码实际上是在Intel Pentium II PC (300MHz)上运行和测试过,Intel Pentium II PC可以看成是特别快的80186。笔者选择PC做为目标系统是由于以下几个原因:首先也是最为重要的,以PC做为目标系统比起以其他嵌入式环境,如评估板,仿真器等,更容易进行代码的测试,不用不断地烧写EPROM,不断地向EPROM仿真器中下载程序等等。用户只需要简单地编译、链接和执行。其次,使用Borland C/C++产生的80186的目标代码(实模式,在大模式下编译)与所有Intel、AMD、Cyrix公司的80x86 CPU兼容。 -CENTER ii Chinese version (including practices) Chapter 1 : Examples in this chapter will provide three examples to illustrate how to use
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 董清清 | Hits:


Description: PC环境下用BC3.1编译连接调试uCOS-II源文件-PC environment with debugging BC3.1 compiler link uCOS-II source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈真 | Hits:


Description: UCOS for 44b0 的移植,采用的是EFW520.COM上的板子,经过稍微修改就可以用了,调试环境是STD-44b0 UCOS for the transplant, the EFW520.COM is on the board, After a slight modification can be used, the debugging environment is STD
Platform: | Size: 532480 | Author: 王艰危 | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II-V280是当前UCosII最新版本源代码-uCOS-II-V280 is the latest version of the current UCosII source code
Platform: | Size: 937984 | Author: 波小以 | Hits:


Description: UCOS-II在ARM S3C44B0X上的移植源代码。 移植说明: 我没有移植uCOS前,再网上下了一些案例可是大部分都不能直接运行,而且有好多还都有错误。 还发现很多"移植者"是忠实的操洗者,并且还操错了。这个移植代码是我领会不少代码的长短根据自己的经验编制,绝对原著!!!因为有好多与大多数移植代码不同之处,故帖出来共享,希望能对将要移植uCOS的人以启发和帮助。 由于我个人时间不多,所以没有写什么移植的"前因后果" 但: 移植的详细细节在程序中的注释部分已经非常详尽了,这里就不多说了。 注意不要将本移植代码应用于商业-UCOS-II on the ARM S3C44B0X transplant source code. Transplant Note : I did not uCOS before transplantation, and the Internet, a number of cases but most are not directly run, but there are also a lot of mistakes. Many also found "transplant" is faithful parade washing, and also the wrong parade. Transplantation is the code I understand many of the code according to their length of their experience, absolutely original! ! ! because there are a lot of code with the majority of transplants different, it TIE out sharing, hope to be able to transplant uCOS people to inspire and help. Because of my personal time too much, not what to write transplant "causes" : Details of transplantation in the proceedings of the Notes have been very detailed, here is not more. Attention sho
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: 苏先生 | Hits:


Description: 包括UCOS和LWIP移植的很多资料,对学习LWIP和UCOS有一定的帮助-including UCOS Viedo transplant and a lot of information, to learn and UCOS Viedo will help
Platform: | Size: 5697536 | Author: 李田龙 | Hits:


Description: UCOS学习报告之C8051F060移植篇.rar UCOS学习报告之C8051F060移植篇.rar-UCOS study report C8051F060 transplantation chapter. Rar UCOS study report C8 Part 051F060 transplantation. rar
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈志辉 | Hits:


Description: 在VC下实现的UCOS嵌入式时实操作系统的开发工程包.-in VC under the UCOS embedded real-time operating system and development project kits.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 黄 何 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II-44B0x(ucos+tftp)

Description: s3c44b0x上实现的ucos+tftp-s3c44b0x achieve the tftp CENTER
Platform: | Size: 488448 | Author: 文旭 | Hits:


Description: ucos移植到44b0,稍微修改就可以应用了,ucos为2.61版本。 -CENTER 44b0 transplant, a slight modification can be applied to the 2.61 version CENTER.
Platform: | Size: 447488 | Author: 刘松 | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II.rar。嵌入式开发用到-uCOS- II.rar. Embedded developers use! !
Platform: | Size: 860160 | Author: 叶文献 | Hits:


Description: 基于ARM7的UCOS2基础实验,uCOS-II for LPC2131 工程模板-ARM7-based UCOS2 experimental basis, uCOS-II project templates for LPC2131
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: wish | Hits:


Description: UCOS-ii最新版源代码,增加GUI接口函数-UCOS-ii latest version of the source code, additional GUI interface function
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 栋梁 | Hits:
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