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[OS DevelopMicrium-uCOS-II-V284

Description: 大家快来下载。这是目前最新管方版本了,Micrium-uCOS-II-V284.zip, 开发和研究者可以通过购买Micrium公司的Jean先生的μC/OS-II的书籍,而得到μC/OS-II源代码,但是仅可以作为个人和学校学习使用,所有和μC/OS-II直接和间接相关的商业目的行为,必须购买使用μC/OS-II及系列产品的商业授权,包括芯片/单板/系统厂家的任何参考设计,教学设备和最终的产品,如果没有得到Micrium公司Jean先生签字的合法授权都是不合法的使用, 这在μC/OS-II的书籍Micrium公司(www.micrium.com)和中国代理商-北京麦克泰软件公司网站(www.bmrtech.com)上面中有明确规定。 -Come everyone to download. This is the latest version of the management, Micrium-uCOS-II-V284.zip, development, and researchers can purchase Micrium
Platform: | Size: 740352 | Author: 谢志俊 | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II_LPC2000移植源代码,可移植到基于LPC2000系列芯片的嵌入式系统-uCOS-II_LPC2000 transplant source code, can be transplanted into series based on the LPC2000 chip, embedded systems
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: likeliang | Hits:


Description: hyesco AT91RM9200 ucos-ii source code
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: zhong tao | Hits:


Description: 在LPC2138上的uCOS-II的代码,开发环境是IAR-In the LPC2138 on uCOS-II code, development environment is the IAR
Platform: | Size: 3450880 | Author: 周春喜 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringucos-project

Description: 基于ucos系统开发的相关文档,内容涉及到嵌入式操作系统和调度机制。-UCOS system development based on the relevant documents, the content related to embedded operating system and scheduling mechanism.
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: wuyong | Hits:


Description: uCOS在Cortex-M3芯片上的移植,使用IAR EWARM-uCOS in the Cortex-M3 chips transplantation, the use of IAR EWARM
Platform: | Size: 1075200 | Author: wickman | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II 2.52在51上的移植程序(大模式).rar-uCOS-II 2.52 of the 51 on the transplantation procedure (large model). rar
Platform: | Size: 321536 | Author: XSLXHN | Hits:


Description: uCOS+uCFS在Armulator上的移植-uCOS+ uCFS in the transplant Armulator
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: lejerjun | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II下的timer使用实例, TMR.C TMR.H-uCOS-II under the timer to use examples, TMR.CTMR.H
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张国伟 | Hits:


Description: 我 Porting 于 MSP430F2103 上的全球最小Size 之 uCOS-II 了.就这完整的例成内我设了一个LED闪烁的任务,可正常于 TI 的 ez430-F2013 上正常执行这任务调度的工作,这例程我是在 IAR MSP430 V3.42A 编译完成,并可以于 Simulator 下模拟任务调度,对于没有这 eZ430-F2013 开发工具也可以进行断点观测,如要装载于 eZ430-F2013 上,仅需改动由 Simulator 转成 TI USB-IF 即可.-I Porting on MSP430F2103 on Size of the world
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: kly | Hits:

[OS DevelopMicrium-NXP-uCOS-II-View-LCD-LPC2148

Description: 在LPC2148上面能够正常运行的UCOS操作系统-In the LPC2148 above the normal operating system running uCOS
Platform: | Size: 3448832 | Author: 4966985 | Hits:


Description: 学习ucos的好东西,一些资料很重要的,能够分享大家的辛苦积存下来的东西-UCOS learn good things, some very important information to share in the U.S. hard things accumulated
Platform: | Size: 775168 | Author: 罗的 | Hits:


Description: uCOS uCGUI uCFS 在ADS下调试通过 LPC2292-uCOS uCGUI uCFS debugging in ADS through the LPC2292
Platform: | Size: 2137088 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是周立功开发板上的uCOS-II原代码,很好用的,我试过!-This is the week Ligong development board uCOS-II source code, well used, I tried!
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 丁海 | Hits:


Description: 英贝德EBD9200-I开发板的UCOS操作系统源代码,可在ADS下编译-British Bader EBD9200-I Development Board of uCOS operating system source code can be compiled under the ADS
Platform: | Size: 676864 | Author: yanlin | Hits:


Description: 介绍ucos-arm应用的一本不错的书。希望对大家有用
Platform: | Size: 4043776 | Author: dxq | Hits:


Description: UCOS-II移植C8051单片机上 使用C8051F020开发板。KEIL U3编译通过。 串口连接到PC机上,可观察统计任务统计的CPU利用率。 通过串口输入字符串123,可改便灯的闪烁频率。 -UCOS-II transplantation C8051 Singlechip use C8051F020 development board. KEIL U3 through the compiler. Serial port to connect to the PC machine, mission statistics can be observed CPU utilization statistics. Enter the string through the serial port 123, it could be the frequency of light flashes.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II

Description: ucos-ii移植到samsungarm2410上的源码-ucos-ii transplanted to the source samsungarm2410
Platform: | Size: 284672 | Author: chenyuan | Hits:


Description: ucos在mage128上的应用,本来我在这里面下载了一个,发现仿真时有问题,弄了几天终于改好了,我现在这个是真正仿真通过的,发上来与大家分享一下,使用说明在压缩包内-uCOS mage128 application in, I did download it in this one, and found that when the simulation has problems, get a few days to finally Well, I now this is the real simulation adopted, a table to share with you some, for use in compression bag
Platform: | Size: 1036288 | Author: shengxinfei | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II_lwip1.1.1

Description: LWIP1.1.1在UCOS-II2.61上的移植,硬件是44b0x,提供测试使用-LWIP1.1.1 in UCOS-II2.61 the transplant, the hardware is 44b0x, for testing the use of
Platform: | Size: 280576 | Author: 李国彬 | Hits:
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