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Description: oreilly - programming web services with soap webservice编程的教程-oreilly- programming web services with soapwebservice Programming Tutorial
Platform: | Size: 1021952 | Author: QQ | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMVCWeb2

Description: 本文是一篇由两部分组成的系列文章的第二部分,着重描述如何使用任何模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller,MVC)模式来实现 Web 服务体系结构。本文将着重描述如何使用 SOAP 和 UDDI API 来访问静态和动态 Web 服务,以及组成 Web 服务体系结构的组件的设计实现。-This article is a two-part series of articles of the second part describes how to focus on the use of any model- view- controller (Model-View-Controller, MVC) pattern to achieve Web services architecture. This article will focus on description of how to use SOAP and UDDI API to access static and dynamic Web services, as well as the composition of Web Services Architecture Design and Implementation of the components.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: ta | Hits:


Description: 集中介绍了Web服务的精髓,涵盖了四种技术:xml-rpc,soap,wsdl,uddi。-Focused on the essence of Web services, covering four types of technology: xml-rpc, soap, wsdl, uddi.
Platform: | Size: 4262912 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB CodeJavaScriptSOAPClient_demo

Description: JavaScript调用Web Services的例子(SOAP)非常实用,并且支持异步-JavaScript to call Web Services examples (SOAP) is very useful, and to support the asynchronous
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: huanan | Hits:


Description: java web服务应用开发详解 是java程序员必备的好东东,包括Web服务概述、XML语言及其编程接口、SOAP、应用ApacheSOAP进行编程、WSDL、UDDI等Java技术内容-java web application development services to explain is necessary for a good java programmer Dongdong, including an overview of Web services, XML language and its programming interface, SOAP, Application ApacheSOAP programming, WSDL, UDDI and other Java technology content
Platform: | Size: 214016 | Author: 李强 | Hits:


Description: webservice学习,soap api-webservice learning, soap api
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: sky | Hits:


Description: soap接口管理,可以自动生成接口,并且对其发布。-soap interface management, can be automatically generated interface, and its release.
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: 陈亮 | Hits:


Description: soap的一个小例子,学习soap的可以简单的参考一下。-a small example of soap, the soap can learn a simple reference.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: cenin | Hits:


Description: javaScript实现的Soap客户端-JavaScript client realize the Soap
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: tony | Hits:


Description: java web service开发指南,详细说明了soap协义-java web service development guide, a detailed description of the soap ADPL justice
Platform: | Size: 7221248 | Author: 周宏伟 | Hits:


Description: 在solaris上平台,基于gsoap组件,soap信息头使用例程。介绍soap信息头的绑定以及使用。 IHeaderService.h-web服务定义文件 GSoap.cpp、GSoap.h-soap协议封装文件 headclient.cpp-web客户端 headserver.cpp-web服务器-On the solaris platform gsoap-based components, soap header using routines. Soap introduction of information and the use of the first binding. IHeaderService.h-web service definition files GSoap.cpp, GSoap.h-soap Encapsulation document headclient.cpp-web client headserver.cpp-web server
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李建章 | Hits:

[Web ServerSoapClient

Description: soap 通讯协议,从web服务器上下载数据-soap communication protocol, from the web server to download data
Platform: | Size: 394240 | Author: 钱军洪 | Hits:


Description: SOAP实现远程数据存储比起DCOM以及Midas都要好,因为它可以使用80端口,并且在服务器端无需多添加一个托盘图标,部署也相当方便。-SOAP remote data storage than DCOM and Midas all good, because it can use port 80, and the server side need not add a tray icon, the deployment is quite convenient.
Platform: | Size: 3124224 | Author: jerry | Hits:


Description: PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.-PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples-- or "recipes"-- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.
Platform: | Size: 1437696 | Author: awake | Hits:

[OpenGL programsoap

Description: opengl 实现动画 O打开肥皂,p关闭-opengl animation realize O Open soap, p Close
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: wanglinghui | Hits:


Description: SOAP消息监控源码, -SOAP message monitoring source,
Platform: | Size: 2074624 | Author: zr | Hits:


Description: soap上传客户端 需apache的soap.jar-From soap client to be apache
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张小凡 | Hits:


Description: linux, gsoap, thread pool, example. 使用gsoap和一个自己开发的线程池监听并处理soap请求的示例代码-linux, gsoap, thread pool, example. use gsoap and an own thread pool monitor and deal with requests soap sample code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: robin | Hits:

[File FormatSOAP_Example

Description: How to send a SOAP request and get the XML response
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jack yuan | Hits:


Description: soap和Java的编程指南,详细地介绍了soap,以及soap在无线通信和互联网方面的协议开发和应用。-soap 潞 脥Java渭脛 卤 脿 鲁 脤脰 赂 脛脧 拢 卢 脧锚脧 赂 渭脴 陆 茅脡脺脕脣soap 拢 卢 脪脭 录 掳 soap脭脷脦脼脧脽脥 篓 脨脜 潞 脥 禄楼 脕 陋 脥酶 陆 脙忙渭脛脨脪茅 驴 陋 垄 潞 脥脫 | 脫脙 隆 拢
Platform: | Size: 7224320 | Author: 郭嘉 | Hits:
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