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[Windows Developwunctsonally

Description: php-soap_0 1 2 zip这是使用php实现soap的一个例子()
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: Aniabenle | Hits:


Description: This is an example project of executing a simple mock webservice in SoapUI, and a unit test suite, using Maven.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Rigu | Hits:


Description: SAML JAR. Rename from gz to JAR
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: MARKKUMARAN | Hits:

[Web Servergoahead-2.5.0-src

Description: GoAhead是一个开源(商业许可)、简单、轻巧、功能强大、可以在多个平台运行的嵌入式Web Server。 GoAhead Web Server是为嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS)量身定制的Web服务器。它的目标也许不在于WEB服务器市场,而是面向当嵌入式系统深入我们的工作与生活的明天,那时,它也许会成为使用最广泛的WEB服务器。 GoAhead Web Server构建在设备管理框架(Device Management Framework)之上,用户可以像标准的Web Services一样来部署自己的应用,不需要额外的编程。GoAhead Web Server支持SOAP客户端(Simple Object Access Protocol,简单对象访问协议)。(GoAhead is the world's most popular tiny embedded web server and is deployed in hundreds of millions of devices. GoAhead is simple, compact and ideal for the the efficient hosting of embedded web applications. GoAhead is only 115K of code, yet provides a powerful and comprehensive set of features for secure web applications. GoAhead has a strong set of features including: SSL, authentication, security limits, and logging. With these features, GoAhead can be easily embedded in your device to run web applications. Compact and Efficient GoAhead is optimized for hosting dynamic embedded web applications via an event driven, single-threaded core. It is very compact (115K code) and is especially effective in reducing the per-request memory overhead for web applications.)
Platform: | Size: 1512448 | Author: Blueurchin | Hits:


Description: halApi,简称π框架,是一个PHP轻量级开源接口框架,专注于接口开发,致力让接口开发更简单。它: + 致力于快速、稳定、持续交付有价值的接口服务 + 关注于测试驱动开发、领域驱动设计、极限编程、敏捷开发 + 有众多的扩展类库,与更多开源项目一起提供高效便捷的解决方案 + 支持HTTP、SOAP和RPC协议,可用于快速搭建微服务、RESTful接口或Web Services
Platform: | Size: 549473 | Author: qianpeng88 | Hits:
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