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Description: 一个经过IOCP优化过的基于UDP的P2P网络传输控件,只要加入对方IP和Port可自动打洞,实现P2P。可发现文字、内存流、文件。具有事件回调功能(包括发送成功,发送丢失、发送无回应(失败)、发送有应答)。-an optimization based on UDP over the P2P network transmission controls, By other IP and Port automatically burrows, and achieve P2P. Text can be found, memory flow, document. With the incident callback function (including the transmission of success, this loss, sent no response to (unsuccessfully), sent a response).
Platform: | Size: 1952771 | Author: dssz.net | Hits:

[Other resource通过middlebox实施P2P通讯 - P2P中国

Description: 通过middlebox实施P2P通讯 - P2P中国-through the implementation of peer-to-peer communications middlebox - P2P China
Platform: | Size: 57819 | Author: | Hits:

[Other resource点对点(P2P)多线程断点续传的实现

Description: 点对点(P2P)多线程断点续传的实现-peer-to-peer (P2P) Multithreading HTTP Implementation
Platform: | Size: 59490 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Developp2p技术软件

Description: 这是一个有关p2p资源共享的软件源代码,包括两部分组成,一是服务器端,另一是客户端.可以下载文本文件和其他格式的文件,不过其他格式有点问题,大家可以自己把它修改过来.-a p2p source code about resource share, consists of two parts: one is server, another is client. you can use it to download txt file and other format file, but there are some bug for the other format file, you can correct it by yourself.
Platform: | Size: 2624399 | Author: sdf | Hits:


Description: 基于P2P技术的视频传输源代码,屏幕抓取等-p2p video trans source code
Platform: | Size: 2480128 | Author: inpile | Hits:


Description: 基于android系统的p2p高清在线点播系统的研究-Based on the android system p2p HD online on-demand system
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: 凡莀 | Hits:


Description: p2p相关技术,主要应用在安卓端的开发 p2p相关技术,主要应用在安卓端的开发 p2p相关技术,主要应用在安卓端的开发
Platform: | Size: 58669 | Author: ljkj20140923@163.com | Hits:


Description: 一个视频通讯的p2p的 c#代码(A video communication p2p c # code)
Platform: | Size: 687104 | Author: 安好丶 | Hits:


Description: 基于p2p协议的直播源,希望对大家有用,可以在电脑上用播放器打开观看或者放到其他直播平台去看都可以(P2P protocol based live source, in the hope that useful to everyone)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 胡发凌 | Hits:


Description: 通常情况下,当进程使用UDP 和外部主机通信时,NAT 会建立一个Session ,这个Session 能够保留多久并没有标准,或许几秒,几分钟,几个小时。(Typically, when a process uses UDP to communicate with an external host, NAT creates a Session, how long the Session can hold and does not have a standard, maybe a few seconds, minutes, hours. If ClientA-1 see ClientB-1 online in the application program, and I want to communicate with ClientB-1, one way is Server as a middleman between ClientA-1 and ClientB-1, is responsible for forwarding the message, but this server will not be able to eat too tired. Another approach is to let ClientA-1 Ho ClientB-1 establish end-to-end connections, and then communicate by themselves. This is the P2P connection.)
Platform: | Size: 3505152 | Author: weibaba | Hits:

[Windows DevelopP2P文件传输

Description: P2P文件传输服务端与客户端,vc6开发,调试通过(P2P file transfer server and client)
Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: 583540466 | Hits:

[Video CaptureP2P视频通信

Description: 这是一个可以通过P2P服务器进行点对点数据流传输的Demo,目前完成了文件流的传输,可以使用进行扩展其他流传输。(This is a Demo that can transmit peer-to-peer data streams through a P2P server. Currently, the file stream is transmitted and can be used to extend other streams.)
Platform: | Size: 533504 | Author: tlwnet | Hits:


Description: C# 实现 视频传输实现在线观看视频的功能 Bs平台asp网站环境都可以使用(C# P2P vidio oline view vidos)
Platform: | Size: 1382400 | Author: hrae | Hits:

[OtherChat P2P

Description: This Applicaticon Chat p2p
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: dinhquy | Hits:

[Delphi VCLP2P Demo(UDP)

Description: 一个p2p传输的例子,珍藏了好多年了.现在传到平台给大伙参考(An example of P2P transmission)
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: 好孩子888 | Hits:


Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(P2PServer + P2PClient)
Platform: | Size: 4585472 | Author: xcm_gz | Hits:

[Windows DevelopP2P远程控制C#.net二次开发源码

Description: P2P远程控制C#.net二次开发源码,我也是下载的,没仔细调试,有需要的可以下载下来参考一下(P2P remote control C#.net two development source code, I also downloaded, not carefully debugged, there is a need to download to refer to the reference)
Platform: | Size: 890880 | Author: 一竹 | Hits:


Description: p2p文件共享的一个简单例子,可供新手学习(p2p filesharing A simple example of peer-to-peer file sharing for beginners.)
Platform: | Size: 684032 | Author: qstoutou | Hits:


Description: m3u8解析源码加速p2p视频解析,m3u8解析源码加速((P2P video parsing, m3u8 parsing source acceleration))
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: 小小小黄 | Hits:


Description: 由微软 C# 编写的 P2P 即时通讯代码~(P2P instant messaging code written by Microsoft C#)
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 李子湖UU | Hits:
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