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Description: msdos 3.30 source code
Platform: | Size: 134877 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hackdlock-diamond-msdos.zip

Platform: | Size: 166930 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly languagealink

Description: 著名的开源链接器,可链接obj和lib文件,目标格式可以是MSDOS COM、MSDOS EXE或Win32 PE文件-a famous opened linker can link both obj and lib texts , in which destination format can be MSDOS ,COM ,MSDOS,EXE or Win32 PE file
Platform: | Size: 187631 | Author: lgw | Hits:

[OS programms_dos60

Description: 微软的MSDOSV6.0源代码,本站不能没有啊。 研究DOS和进行一些底层编程的必不可少。 实在不行,也可以进行收藏啊-MSDOS 6.0 system source code
Platform: | Size: 19621597 | Author: 俞训峰 | Hits:


Description: CC386 is a general-purpose 32-bit C compiler. It is not an optimizing compiler but given that the code generation is fairly good. There are two versions one is for MSDOS/DPMI and one is for Win32. The Win32 version has a full-blown IDE capable of editing, building, and debugging windows programs included with it. However at this time debugging support for MSDOS is rudimentary at best and there is no IDE for DOS. the newest version, support windows.
Platform: | Size: 2320422 | Author: 肖逸 | Hits:

[Windows Developdelwin

Description: 算是一个破坏程序吧,开机自启动,判断次数大概44次左右,后改名WIN.COM,msdos.com,把它们改为其它的名。-destruction process is a bar, boot from the start, the judgment about the number around 44, renamed WIN.COM, msdos.com, they read other by name.
Platform: | Size: 7365 | Author: 刘维 | Hits:

[Crack Hackdlock-diamond-msdos

Description: DIAMOND加密算法的原代码-separate encryption algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 167243 | Author: 西门飘雪 | Hits:

[OS Developsystemstart

Description: 硬盘引导记录手册OS-MSDOS,windows,windows NT,Linux系统硬盘引导流程-hard disk boot record manual OS-MSDOS, windows, windows NT, Linux system hard disk boot process
Platform: | Size: 623288 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: 串口编程控件MSCOMM32.OCX mscomm32.ocx是微软提供的串口通讯开发控件。支持串口通讯的软件大部分都是使用这个控件来实现串口通讯功能的。 安装方法:请您把它复制到系统目录下,对于windows9x系列(win95、win98、winme)是x:\\windows\\system\\,对于 windowsNT、windows2000、windowsXP系列是x:\\winnt\\system32\\。然后打开一个命令行提示符窗口(MSDOS方式窗口), 用\"cd x:\\windows\\system\\\"命令或者\"cd x:\\winnt\\system32\\\"切换到系统目录下,再执行\"regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx\"这个命令。 -MSCOMM32.OCX mscomm32.ocx control is provided by Microsoft Serial communications development controls. Support serial communication software is used most of the controls to achieve serial communications capability. Installation Method : Would you please copy it to the system directory, windows9x Series (win95. win98, WINME) x : \\ windows \\ system \\. for Windows NT, by Windows, windowsXP series of x : \\ winnt \\ system32 \\. Then open a command line prompt window (MSDOS mode window), "cd x : \\ windows \\ system \\ "orders or" cd x : \\ winnt \\ system32 \\ "switched to the system directory, further implementation of the "typing mscomm32.ocx" This order.
Platform: | Size: 46273 | Author: guli | Hits:

[Other resourcerunningmsdos

Description: 想学习dos吗?《running msdos》是最经典的学习dos的书籍,这个是英文版本。-want to learn dos? "Msdos running" is the most classical learning dos books, this is the English version.
Platform: | Size: 2071171 | Author: 陈嚈 | Hits:

[assembly languagemsdos.6.0.source.code

Description: MSdos6.0 原代码 MSdos6.0 原代码
Platform: | Size: 19774083 | Author: 胡新年 | Hits:

[WEB Codeland

Description: ip land attack by msdos
Platform: | Size: 14237 | Author: weiwei | Hits:

[File Operatemicrosft-msdos-code

Description: 微软公司MS-D0S6.1的源代码,比较难得
Platform: | Size: 329923 | Author: gaoqiru | Hits:

[Other resource1921682911620075311011505205129

Description: 本章主要描叙Linux核心对文件系统的支持, 虚拟文件系统(VFS)以及Linux核心对实际文件系统的支持。  Linux的最重要特征之一就是支持多种文件系统。这样它更加灵活并可以和许多其它种操作系统共存。在本文写作时Linux已经支持15种文件系统:ext,ext2,xia,minix,umsdos,msdos,vfat,proc,smb,ncp,iso9660,sysv,hpfs,affs以及ufs。毫无疑问,今后支持的文件系统类型还将增加。  Linux和Unix并不使用设备标志符(如设备号或驱动器名称)来访问独立文件系统,而是通过一个将整个文件系统表示成单一实体的层次树结构来访问它。Linux每安装(mount)一个文件系统时都会其加入到文件系统层次树中。不管是文件系统属于什么类型,都被连接到一个目录上且此文件系统上的文件将取代此目录中已存在的文件。这个目录被称为安装点或者安装目录。当卸载此文件系统时这个安装目录中原有的文件将再次出现。
Platform: | Size: 9433089 | Author: 黄宇 | Hits:


Description: This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to be resolved for example the size of LONG on unix machines is so big some of the code generated gets messed up. Code generation requires TASM to assemble the compiler output you can use the borland TLINK to produce executables, or the Watcom WLINK can also be used. PMODE systems written by TRAN are used for the DPMI interface.
Platform: | Size: 215919 | Author: cbsquan | Hits:


Description: This the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although the optimizer is a little naive... the code itself should be highly portable although there are some issues involved with porting from MSDOS that have to be resolved for example the size of LONG on unix machines is so big some of the code generated gets messed up.
Platform: | Size: 216938 | Author: 雪候鸟 | Hits:


Description: DOS下CD播放程序: 1.0.32.MSDOS.WATCOM.C-DOS CD player : 1.0.32.MSDOS.WATCOM.C
Platform: | Size: 37867 | Author: 南狼 | Hits:

[Shell apiSHROUD_C

Description: C语言源码加密工具 This version is distributed as executables only for MSDOS computers. The source code for shroud will be released later. We wish to ensure that the version of LEX we use is compatible with LEX on other systems. This source code will not be shrouded.-C language source encryption tool This version is distributed as executables only for MSDOS computers. The source code for shroud will be released later. We wish to ensure that the version of LEX we use is compatible with LEX on other systems. This source code will not be shrouded.
Platform: | Size: 18565 | Author: 罗春华 | Hits:

[Crack Hackdlock-diamond-msdos

Description: DIAMOND加密算法的原代码-separate encryption algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 西门飘雪 | Hits:


Description: DOS下CD播放程序: 1.0.32.MSDOS.WATCOM.C-DOS CD player : 1.0.32.MSDOS.WATCOM.C
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 南狼 | Hits:
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