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[mpeg mp3splitmpg.tgz

Description: Michael Simmons MPEG-1 systems stream splitter
Platform: | Size: 11958 | Author: | Hits:

[mpeg mp3SunOS.tar.Z

Description: Sun versions of the Distributed Real-Time MPEG Audio/Video Player for SunOS4.1.3
Platform: | Size: 1918971 | Author: | Hits:

[mpeg mp3vcr.tar.Z

Description: Source for the Distributed Real-Time MPEG Audio/Video Player
Platform: | Size: 410142 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4MPEG-4IP_scr.rar

Platform: | Size: 6273137 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4mpeg_streaming.zip

Description: Mpeg流的网络客户端实时播放
Platform: | Size: 58807 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4Mpeg流的网络客户端实时播放.zip

Platform: | Size: 58807 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4NETVIDEO.rar

Description: 一个完整的网络视频的源程序,主要包括MPEG-4等网络视频编码、视频网络传输等。 vc++6.0
Platform: | Size: 6262398 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4WPGF.rar

Description: 流媒体播放,分服务端和客户端,播放的是mpeg文件
Platform: | Size: 389693 | Author: | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4MPEG-4IP_scr

Description: mpeg4编码源码-mpeg4 code source code
Platform: | Size: 6273404 | Author: 小芳 | Hits:

[DVDDVDx 2 0 source codec

Description: DVD解码,包括avi、mpeg、DVD解码等代码-DVD decoding, including code and so on avi, mpeg, DVD decoding
Platform: | Size: 2805993 | Author: none | Hits:

[Multimedia programVCDwizard-2700-win32-src

Description: VCDwizard是一个VCDimager的GUI。这个应用程序用于使用XML创建兼容(S)VCD的MPeG流。你可以完全控制创建(S)VCD的PBC(菜单/播放结构)。-VCDwizard VCDimager is a GUI. Application procedures for the use of XML to create compatibility (S) VCD MPeG flow. You can completely control the creation (S) VCD PBC (menu / playback structure).
Platform: | Size: 840504 | Author: 刘晓冬 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3mpeg2

Description: 该目录下包含了实施ISO/IEC DIS 13818-2标准的源程序。它可以将为压缩的图像 转化成MPEG-1和MPEG-2视频编码流,同时也可以进行逆变换。 doc/目录下的mpeg2enc.doc和mpeg2dec.doc文件包含了关于解码器的进一步的信 息。verify/目录下是一组用来进行验证的图像和小的数据流,以及用来自动检测编码 器和解码器输出的Unix shell脚本文件。 在src/目录下有两个子目录mpeg2enc/和mpeg2dec/,其中包含了编码器和解码器 的源代码,以及在VC下编译过的可执行程序。par/目录下给出了一组可在每秒25和30帧 的速率下进行MPEG-2和MPEG-1编码的编码器参数文件。 可以在标准的C编译器中,编译makefile文件来运行该程序。 在bin/目录下,给出了该文件的可执行程序。 在mpeg2ply/目录下包含了一个用来播放mpeg1和mpeg2视频流的windows可执行程序。-this directory contains the implementation of the ISO / IEC DIS 13818-2 standards of the source. It will be compressed images into MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video encoding flow, but also for inverse transform. Doc / directory and the mpeg2enc.doc mpeg2dec.doc document contains decoders for further information. Verify / directory is a group used for the certification of small images and data flow, and used to automatically detect encoder and decoder output of the Unix shell script file. In src / directory there are two subdirectories mpeg2enc and / mpeg2dec /, which includes the encoder and decoder source code, and the VC compiled executable programs. Par / directory is given in a second group of 25 and 30 under the rate of MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 encoding of the document encoding parameters. The standar
Platform: | Size: 603236 | Author: 万祥兵 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4H.264_And_MPEG-4_Video_Compression

Description: 另一本H.264和MPEG-4方面的好书-h.264和Mpeg4的视频压缩
Platform: | Size: 3931196 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:


Description: 微软亚洲研究院论文:可扩展和不可扩展的MPEG-4视频流化性能比较-Microsoft Asia Research Institute Papers : scalable and can not be extended to the MPEG-4 video streaming performance comparison
Platform: | Size: 15567 | Author: 李刚 | Hits:

[Graph program源代码:Matlab_MPEG_1_2_7

Description: MPEG算法的Matlab实现,熟悉Matlab的朋友可以看一看。-MPEG algorithm Matlab, a friend familiar with Matlab can look at.
Platform: | Size: 28671 | Author: 王青海 | Hits:

[Other resourceCEsrc

Description: 基于MPEG 7 标准,符合未来语义网架构,很值得参考-based on MPEG-7 standard, with the future structure of semantic networks, is worth reference
Platform: | Size: 3669234 | Author: 庞平 | Hits:

[Multimedia programRef

Description: MPEG-4 microsoft的视频的参考实现ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4)。版本号: Microsoft-FDAM1-2.5-040207。实现了视频的编码和解码,它的实现是按照MPEG-4的最新标准-MPEG-4 video microsoft reference implementation of the ISO / IEC 14496 (MPEG-4). Version : Microsoft-FDAM1-250-040207. Implementation of video coding and decoding, it is the realization of the MPEG-4 standard to the latest
Platform: | Size: 2107748 | Author: 谢祖铭 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4MPEG4-Decode

Description: MPEG-4解码器的源代码,希望大家多多指教!-The Source file of a MPEG-4 decoder. Looking forward to your advices.
Platform: | Size: 133584 | Author: qa | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4MPEG4-Encode

Description: MPEG-4编码器的源代码,希望大家多多指教!-source code of MPEG-4 encoder,
Platform: | Size: 93141 | Author: qa | Hits:

[mpeg mp3ANNEX_D声学模型.DOC

Description: MPEG音频编码标准ISO11172-3之心里声学模型,步骤很详细,共40页,英文。 内含伪代码-MPEG audio coding standard ISO11172-3, heart acoustic model, the steps in detail, a total of 40 English. Pseudo code intron
Platform: | Size: 27882 | Author: 景仁 | Hits:
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