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[SourceCodelistbox 的使用.rar

Description: listbox的使用
Platform: | Size: 5884 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个支持打印的LISTBOX控件类。
Platform: | Size: 48356 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopListBox用法

Description: listbox用法-ListBox Usage
Platform: | Size: 11673 | Author: 任我行 | Hits:


Description: sdk实现在listbox中加入图标-sdk achieve the listbox into icon
Platform: | Size: 10411 | Author: 申鹏 | Hits:

[Button control自画ListBox

Description: 一个用c#实现自画ListBox控件的例子!-with a # self-portraits ListBox controls example!
Platform: | Size: 10149 | Author: 唐晓虎 | Hits:


Description: ListBox控件的文件、目录选择的例子.rar-ListBox controls the files, directories choice examples. Rar
Platform: | Size: 17614 | Author: 激活帐号 | Hits:

[ListView/ListBoxlistbox 工具窗口

Description: listbox 的拓展程序,一个自定义的listbox,对DRAWITEM进行重载-listbox expansion process, since the definition of a listbox. for heavy right DRAWITEM
Platform: | Size: 2035433 | Author: 吴忠 | Hits:


Description: listbox programme on symbianOS-listbox program on symbianOS
Platform: | Size: 81575 | Author: 和送林 | Hits:


Description: 增强弄listbox控件,多级选择!~ 以后,本人上传的代码不注重实用性,只注重理解,主要是教大家如何去写!~
Platform: | Size: 13609 | Author: retty | Hits:

[Other resourcelistbox-1

Description: 本程序实现 Visual Studio 风格的列表框(A VisualStudio-like ListBox class)
Platform: | Size: 27911 | Author: mimi | Hits:


Description: 本程序用 MFC 实现 属性列表框(Property Listbox), 就象 VB 的 IDE 环境一样.用户可以在Property Listbox中包含 edit box, a combo box, an RBG color value, a font name, or a file name
Platform: | Size: 26303 | Author: wq | Hits:

[GUI DevelopListBox

Description: VC ListBox 控件的相关使用Demo,有插入、删除、查找等功能-VC ListBox controls related to use Demo, with insert, delete, search and other functions
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 利刃 | Hits:


Description: VB开发 ListBox控件列表设置代码VB ListBox control list settings code development -VB ListBox control list settings code development
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 青哥 | Hits:


Description: 说明:一个完美替代VB的ListBox控件的自定义控件,支持图像和XP风格。-Description: a perfect replacement VB ListBox controls the custom control, support image and XP style.
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: 李昌 | Hits:


Description: ListBox,电子表格的程序,可以帮助学习解密编程-ListBox
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: 周文 | Hits:


Description: ListBox界面控件,来外国外人员开发的精品。-ListBox interface controls to the development of external quality foreign staff.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 陈布畦 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopListbox

Description: VC++ 自定义的ListBox列表框控件,把功能扩展为点击列表框内任一值之后,立即响应所具备的功能,如本例中,当你点击Listbox下拉项中的某一项时,(项内对应的是颜色),右边的颜色框会显示出你所选的值,如果没有经过这么一些自定义的功能,列表框本身是不具备这项功能的,因此来说,学会自定义控件,对你的VC++编程还是大有好处的。 -VC++ 自定义的ListBox列表控件
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: wei | Hits:


Description: Visual C++的组件ListBox的简单用法,是经过编译的哦,对于C++初学者很有帮助-Components of Visual C++ simple use of ListBox is compiled Oh, very helpful for beginners C++
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 东方卡 | Hits:


Description: 利用VS2008编写的LIstBox控件类的一个小例子,非常有实用价值-Written using VS2008 LIstBox control class, a small example, very practical value
Platform: | Size: 9410560 | Author: boss | Hits:


Description: How to split the listbox to multi columns
Platform: | Size: 5531 | Author: namcdao@gmail.com | Hits:
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