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Description: D盘下放一个名为123.xls的Excel表格,然后运行程序,点击读取,会读取数据到窗体的ListBox中,点击写入,会在D盘下生成一个Excel文件,内容随便写的.-D Place a disc called 123.xls Excel spreadsheet, and then run the program, click the read will read the data into the form' s ListBox, click write, it will generate in the D drive an Excel file, the contents of casual writing .
Platform: | Size: 3144704 | Author: 冯博文 | Hits:


Description: 一般的Listbox的拖拽均为其他listbox控件或是别的控件到listbox控件的拖拽,而该程序成功地实现了listbox内部的拖拽命令,并有向上,向下移动Item选项的功能。-General Listbox drag are other Listbox control or other control to the Listbox control drag and drop, and the program successfully realized the Listbox internal drag and drop the command, and upward, move down the Item option function.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 胡少 | Hits:

[Windows Develop48636346

Description: 重绘ListBox控件,C#经典编程实例源码,很好的参考资料。-Redraw ListBox control, classic instance of C# programming source code, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: 清蒸翅子 | Hits:


Description: 实现ListBox的Item图标,实现ListBox的Item图标-Achieve the ListBox Item icon, the Item icon realize ListBox
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: lostme | Hits:


Description: 列表框控件带有背景图片,而且还可以切换背景,参考他人的经验-ListBox control with a background image, but also can change the background, reference the experiences of others
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 阿泉 | Hits:


Description: ListBox SelectChanged时,滑-ListBox SelectChanged,SilderAnimation
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 高尚 | Hits:


Description: Visual Studio 2008 中 ListBox控件、Edit Control编辑栏使用、文件读取操作。-Visual Studio 2008 ListBox s using
Platform: | Size: 7629824 | Author: Gminor | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLstBoxTip

Description: VC ListBox列表项超过宽度时ToolpTip提示,精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。-VC ListBox list item exceeds the width ToolpTip prompt, select learning source code, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 什锦豆腐 | Hits:

[Delphi VCL48547

Description: Delphi为ListBox组件添加水平滚动条,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Delphi add a horizontal scroll bar for the ListBox component, learning programming source code, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 什锦豆腐 | Hits:

[Delphi VCL79675864

Description: 一个Delphi新手写的ListBox左右交换内容例子,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-A novice Delphi wrote about ListBox exchange content examples, learning programming source code, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 什锦豆腐 | Hits:

[Button controlListControl

Description: MFC,Listbox,ListControl控件使用,双击可编辑。 还有RadioButton、CheckBox控件的使用。-Use MFC, Listbox, ListControl controls, double click to edit. The use of and RadioButton, CheckBox controls
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: zcj | Hits:

[Windows Develop765

Description: ListBox列表项超过宽度时ToolpTip提示,精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。-ListBox list items exceeds the width ToolpTip tips, featured learning source, a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 499712 | Author: 周历 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3Mp3player.0.0.1

Description: 简单mp3播放器,利用listbox单击播放mp3歌曲-Demo mp3Player,use listbox onclick evnts play music
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: marowu | Hits:


Description: VC++可的ListBox的多目标关联演示源程序,没有使用数据库,点击标题可显示出更加详细的内容,像一些简易的数据库程序的功能一样,展示如何使用具备多功能的目标关联的ListBox。-VC++ to the ListBox multi-target association demo source code, do not use the database, click on the title to show more details, like some simple functions like database program, with the goal of showing how versatile the associated ListBox.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: eric | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl自绘源代码,重绘了标头、ListBox背景和滚动条-CListCtrl source code from the painting, redraw the header, ListBox background and scroll bars
Platform: | Size: 15596544 | Author: 小波变换 | Hits:

[Windows Developvcctrltest

Description: VC++自定义的CTRL控件包括按钮CList等代码实例,这些控件中包括了一些带图像的动态按钮、带颜色的ListBox、以及一些自定义的菜单等,这些小控件对窗体美化来说比较有用,如果你是VC编程新手,这些例子是有必要学习一下的。-VC++ programming application.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: CYSunny | Hits:


Description: VC常用控件操作,包括Picture、CheckBox、Radio、Combo、ListBox、进度条、滑动块、ListCtrl、日期、TreeCtrl、TabCtrl等。-VC common control operations, including Picture, CheckBox, Radio, Combo, ListBox, the progress bar, a sliding block, ListCtrl, TreeCtrl, TabCtrl, date.
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: 独闯天涯 | Hits:


Description: C#获取网络主机名,可以查出域名解析信息,根据IP查找域名,由字符串获得IP地址:IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip.Text) 再由IP地址获得主机的DNS信息:IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.GetHostByAddress(ipAddress) 获取与主机关联的别名列表:string[] alias = hostInfo.Aliases 获取主机的 DNS 名称,并添加到ListBox控件中:domainName.Items.Add(hostInfo.HostName) 最后将获取到的别名添加到ListBox控件中显示出来。-C# get nombre de host de la red, información de DNS se puede encontrar, dominio de búsqueda basada en IP, la dirección IP obtenida por la cadena: IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse (ip.Text) a continuación, obtener la dirección IP de la información DNS del host: IPHostEntry HostInfo = Dns.GetHostByAddress (ipAddress) lista de alias de conseguir asociados con el host: string [] alias = hostInfo.Aliases obtener nombre de host DNS, y se agrega al control ListBox: domainName.Items.Add (hostInfo.HostName), y por último Obtener los alias añ aden a las pantallas de control ListBox.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: ypudn84 | Hits:


Description: C#用OleDbConnection读取数据库内容,先实例化OleDbConnection对象、OleDbDataAdapter对象和DataSet对象,然后用myConn.Open() 打开数据库,使用myCmd.Fill把数据读取到数据集合中,然后再从从数据集合中读取第一张表的数据,再使用foreach从表中一行一行读取数据,并写到listBox框中,最后使用myConn.Close() 关闭数据库连接。-C# utilizando OleDbConnection para leer el contenido de la base de datos, la primera instancia del objeto OleDbConnection, objeto OleDbDataAdapter y el objeto DataSet, y luego usar myConn.Open () abrir la base de datos, utilizando myCmd.Fill para leer los datos en la recogida de datos y, a continuación de la colección de los datos primera mesa de lectura de datos, y luego usar foreach para leer datos de la fila de la tabla por filas, y escribió cuadro ListBox última myConn.Close utilizado () cerrar la conexión de base de datos.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: ypudn97 | Hits:


Description: C#读取数据列属性,先来实例化OleDbConnection对象,实例化OleDbDataAdapter对象,实例化DataSet对象,打开数据库,把数据读取到数据集合中,使用DataTable dTable = dtSet.Tables[0] 从数据集合中读取第一张表的数据,从表中读取列的属性,并写到listBox框中,最后别忘了关闭数据库连接-C# leer propiedades de la columna de datos, el primer objeto de crear una instancia de OleDbConnection, objeto OleDbDataAdapter se crea una instancia, crear una instancia de un objeto DataSet, abra la base de datos, los datos se leen en la recopilación de datos, utilizando DataTable diabla = dtSet.Tables [0], la recogida de datos primera mesa de lectura de datos, la lectura de atributos de las columnas de la mesa y escribió cuadro de cuadro de lista y, finalmente, no se olvide de cerrar la conexión de base de datos
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: rpudn2 | Hits:
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