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[Other resourcel_ipp-sample-media_p_5.0.017.tar

Description: 这是在PCA下的基于IPP库示例代码例子,在网上下了IPP的库之后,设置相关参数就可以编译该代码.-This is the PCA based on the sample code IPP for example, the Internet under the IPP libraries, the provision of the relevant parameters can compile the code.
Platform: | Size: 2895110 | Author: OneGun | Hits:

[Other resourcel_ipp-sample-speech-coding_p_5.0.014.tar

Description: 这是在PCA下的基于IPP库示例代码例子,在网上下了IPP的库之后,设置相关参数就可以编译该代码.-This is the PCA based on the sample code IPP for example, the Internet under the IPP libraries, the provision of the relevant parameters can compile the code.
Platform: | Size: 408152 | Author: OneGun | Hits:

[Video Capturew_ipp-sample-image_p_4.1.004

Description: image sample for windows. ipp 优化源码。-image sample for windows. Ipp optimization source.
Platform: | Size: 891838 | Author: 童贞理 | Hits:

[Audio programw_ipp-sample-audio_p_4.1.007

Description: audio sample for windows intel的IPP 的源码。-audio sample for windows intel source of the IPP.
Platform: | Size: 826965 | Author: 童贞理 | Hits:

[Audio programl_ipp-sample-audio_p_4.1.007

Description: audio sample for linux INTEL ipp 源码。-audio sample for linux Intel ipp source.
Platform: | Size: 74877 | Author: 童贞理 | Hits:

[Special EffectsippDemo

Description: IPP试验算法,可以在VC6/VC7/CB5/CB6下运行。测试图为一个400*400的256灰度图。演示了如何使用IPP,显示保存等基本图像处理实现方法。-IPP test algorithm, the VC6/VC7/CB5/CB6 running. Photograph shows a test 400, 256 * 400 grayscale. Demonstrated how the use of IPP, showed preserve the basic image processing method.
Platform: | Size: 3926 | Author: 高阳 | Hits:

[Other resourcejpeg2000_intel

Description: intel 的 JPEG2000 ,需要IPP庫 -intel JPEG2000, the need for IPP
Platform: | Size: 268521 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h263_dec

Description: Intel 的H263譯碼器,速度很快需要IPP庫支持-Intel's H.263 decoder, very fast need the support of IPP
Platform: | Size: 61718 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h263_enc

Description: Intel 的H263編碼器,速度很快需要IPP庫支持-Intel H.263 encoder, very fast need the support of IPP
Platform: | Size: 41649 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h264_dec

Description: Intel 的H264譯碼器,速度很快需要IPP庫支持-Intel H264 decoder, very fast need the support of IPP
Platform: | Size: 194204 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h264_enc

Description: Intel 的H264編碼器,速度很快需要IPP庫支持-Intel H264 encoder, very fast need the support of IPP
Platform: | Size: 240089 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage_processing

Description: 基于ipp的图像处理代码,几乎包含了图像处理各种算法。需要IPP库支持。-based on the image processing code, contain virtually all image processing algorithms. Need the support of IPP.
Platform: | Size: 428750 | Author: fulihua | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinesignal-processing

Description: 基于ipp的信号处理代码,几乎包含了处理各种算法。 需要IPP库支持。-based on the signal processing code, contain virtually processing algorithms. Need the support of IPP.
Platform: | Size: 563351 | Author: fulihua | Hits:

[Other resourcesip

Description: sip网络电话服务器原代码,可用于LINUX平台,是DLINK-SIPROUTER的原代码,绝对好用! 先改文件名为ipp.tar.gz再解压-sip telephone network server source code can be used in Linux platform yes DLINK - SIPROUTER the original code, absolutely everything! Reforms first document, then extract ipp.tar.gz
Platform: | Size: 861944 | Author: 莫宁 | Hits:

[Audio programAudioDecoderWithIPPOptimazation

Description: Linux下基于IPP优化的音频解码程序.GCC编译,2.4以上版本Linux均可用,安装IPP5.0以上版本.-Linux-based IPP audio decoder optimization procedures. GCC compiler. Linux versions 2.4 and above can be used to install versions of IPP5.0.
Platform: | Size: 35708 | Author: 叶丰 | Hits:

[Other resourceopencv_tutorial_cxcore_highgui_2005Q4

Description: OpenCV means Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection of C functions and a few C++ classes that implement some popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms. OpenCV has cross-platform middle-to-high level API that consists of a few hundreds (>300) C functions. It does not rely on external libraries, though it can use some when it is possible. OpenCV is free for both non-commercial and commercial use (see the license for details). OpenCV provides transparent interface to Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). That is, it loads automatically IPP libraries optimized for specific processor at runtime, if they are available. More information about IPP can be retrieved at http://www.intel.com/software/products/ipp/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本文是opencv的入门教程-means Intel OpenCV
Platform: | Size: 1814256 | Author: dyoo | Hits:


Description: 利用 JFrame的扩展类JTextAreaDemo 实现记事本分三段,可分类记录不相干内容-use of the extension of the class JFrame JTextAreaDemo achieve notebook IPP Records can be categorized as irrelevant
Platform: | Size: 836 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 排列问题 M个1,N个0的排列(高效率版) 排列数为:c(m+n,n) 对n个0,m个1,我的想法是这样的: 每个排列可以分三段: 全0列,全1列, 子问题列 设各段长:r,s,t .子问题列就是 (n,m) = (n-r,m-s),其中0<=r<=n,s=1-problem with M-1, N 0 is the order (high-efficiency version) with a few : c (m n, n) of n 0, m one, I think is this : each can be arranged IPP : 0 whole, a whole, the sub - problems out of the long established : r, s, t. - is the question of (n, m) = (n-r, m-s), where 0
Platform: | Size: 4467 | Author: happynp | Hits:


Description: cups 可以实现网络打印协议ipp lcd lcr等等协议-cups can achieve network printing protocol ipp lcd lcr agreement etc.
Platform: | Size: 11059200 | Author: liyaqin | Hits:

[Special Effectsw_ipp-sample-jpeg_p_5.0.010

Description: intel的ipp性能库sample code,提供了加速的静态图象处理示例,充分显示了ipp在多核平台下的性能优势
Platform: | Size: 2032248 | Author: 季靓 | Hits:
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