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Description: 这是在PCA下的基于IPP库示例代码例子,在网上下了IPP的库之后,设置相关参数就可以编译该代码.-This is the PCA based on the sample code IPP for example, the Internet under the IPP libraries, the provision of the relevant parameters can compile the code.
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: OneGun | Hits:

[Audio programw_ipp-sample-speech-rec_p_5.1.003

Description: 声音处理的源代码,来自Intel,主要关于音频的压缩、处理-voice of the source code from Intel, mainly on audio compression, processing
Platform: | Size: 446464 | Author: hali | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxIPPcode4.1.tar

Description: intel ipp4.1性能库的一些例子。-performance for some examples.
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: prayboy | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h263_dec

Description: Intel 的H263譯碼器,速度很快需要IPP庫支持-Intel's H.263 decoder, very fast need the support of IPP
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: stray109 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxsip

Description: sip网络电话服务器原代码,可用于LINUX平台,是DLINK-SIPROUTER的原代码,绝对好用! 先改文件名为ipp.tar.gz再解压-sip telephone network server source code can be used in Linux platform yes DLINK- SIPROUTER the original code, absolutely everything! Reforms first document, then extract ipp.tar.gz
Platform: | Size: 862208 | Author: 莫宁 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopIPpacketlisten

Description: 一个监听本机IP数据包的小程序,开发环境VC-a machine monitoring the IP data packets small procedures, the development of environmental VC
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: lanlicen | Hits:

[Audio programAudioDecoderWithIPPOptimazation

Description: Linux下基于IPP优化的音频解码程序.GCC编译,2.4以上版本Linux均可用,安装IPP5.0以上版本.-Linux-based IPP audio decoder optimization procedures. GCC compiler. Linux versions 2.4 and above can be used to install versions of IPP5.0.
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 叶丰 | Hits:


Description: Intel 提供的经过优化的视频和音频开发API源码,C#版本-Intel optimized for the development of video and audio API source code, C# Version
Platform: | Size: 528384 | Author: yaxinhoo | Hits:


Description: Intel 提供的经过优化的视频和音频开发API源码,C#版本-Intel optimized for the development of video and audio API source code, C# Version
Platform: | Size: 569344 | Author: yaxinhoo | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsdata_compression

Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: 白极 | Hits:

[Multimedia programw_ipp-sample-video_pu_4.1.008

Description: 利用 Intel 芯片特性的视频压缩,解压源代码,效率堪称目前最高,支持H.263 H.264 编码,并且有H263 和 H264 的例子程序.-use Intel chips characteristics of video compression, decompression source code, his current maximum efficiency, H.264 supports H.263 coding, as well as H.263 and H264 examples of procedures.
Platform: | Size: 1355776 | Author: 黄云燕 | Hits:


Description: 利用 JFrame的扩展类JTextAreaDemo 实现记事本分三段,可分类记录不相干内容-use of the extension of the class JFrame JTextAreaDemo achieve notebook IPP Records can be categorized as irrelevant
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 排列问题 M个1,N个0的排列(高效率版) 排列数为:c(m+n,n) 对n个0,m个1,我的想法是这样的: 每个排列可以分三段: 全0列,全1列, 子问题列 设各段长:r,s,t .子问题列就是 (n,m) = (n-r,m-s),其中0<=r<=n,s=1-problem with M-1, N 0 is the order (high-efficiency version) with a few : c (m n, n) of n 0, m one, I think is this : each can be arranged IPP : 0 whole, a whole, the sub- problems out of the long established : r, s, t.- is the question of (n, m) = (n-r, m-s), where 0
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: happynp | Hits:


Description: voice test voice test -voice test voice test
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: pil seong | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIPphone_realize

Description: IP电话的设计与实现.rar 本文从VoIP相关知识入手,介绍了IP电话的软硬件结构设计及实现方案,并描述了IP电话基于SIP的呼叫流程,并通过设计杂项的方式详细描述了系统中的几个关键点。内容仅供大家参考,更详细内容可参见源代码,源代码是最好的老师。-IP Phone Design and Implementation. Rar knowledge in this article from VoIP start with the introduction of the IP phone software and hardware design and realize the structure of the program, and describes the IP phone based on SIP call flow, and through the design of miscellaneous manner described in detail the system several key points. Content for your reference, more details can be found in the source code, source code is the best teacher.
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: benter | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsw_ipp-sample-data-compression_b_5[1].0.007

Description: intel的ipp性能库的示例代码,在多核平台下可以充分利用多核的性能实现压缩和解压缩
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 季靓 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinew_ipp-sample-speech-coding_b_5[1].0.014

Description: intel的ipp性能库的示例代码,在多核平台下可以充分利用多核的性能实现语音编码-intel performance library of ipp sample code, in multi-core platform can take full advantage of multi-core performance to achieve speech coding
Platform: | Size: 487424 | Author: 季靓 | Hits:

[Special Effectscomputer-vision

Description: InteL的IPP库的计算机视觉的应用源代码。包含简单的文档-Intel
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: algernon | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsdata-compression

Description: Intel的IPP库的应用例程,包含了基本的数据压缩函数的调用例子。-Intel
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: algernon | Hits:


Description: Intel开发的IPP库的应用实例,包含语音识别的部分。学习IPP库和语音的同志必看-Intel developed the application of IPP library contains part of speech recognition. Learning IPP library and voice comrades must-see
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: algernon | Hits:
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