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[Crack HackDSA

Description: Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)是Schnorr和ElGamal签名算法的变种,被美国NIST作为DSS(DigitalSignature Standard)。算法中应用了下述参数: p:L bits长的素数。L是64的倍数,范围是512到1024; q:p - 1的160bits的素因子; g:g = h^((p-1)/q) mod p,h满足h < p - 1, h^((p-1)/q) mod p > 1; x:x < q,x为私钥 ; y:y = g^x mod p ,( p, q, g, y )为公钥; H( x ):One-Way Hash函数。DSS中选用SHA( Secure Hash Algorithm )。 p, q, g可由一组用户共享,但在实际应用中,使用公共模数可能会带来一定的威胁。签名及验证协议如下: 1. P产生随机数k,k < q; 2. P计算 r = ( g^k mod p ) mod q s = ( k^(-1) (H(m) + xr)) mod q 签名结果是( m, r, s )。 3. 验证时计算 w = s^(-1)mod q u1 = ( H( m ) * w ) mod q u2 = ( r * w ) mod q v = (( g^u1 * y^u2 ) mod p ) mod q 若v = r,则认为签名有效。   DSA是基于整数有限域离散对数难题的,其安全性与RSA相比差不多。DSA的一个重要特点是两个素数公开,这样,当使用别人的p和q时,即使不知道私钥,你也能确认它们是否是随机产生的,还是作了手脚。RSA算法却作不到。
Platform: | Size: 136954 | Author: wildkaede | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsibe具有认证功能算法

Description: 1 Boneh-Franlin的IBE算法主要由四个子算法组成:Setup,Extract,Encrypt和Decrypt,分别完成系统参数建立、密钥提取、加密和解密的功能。假定消息的明文空间为 ,密文空间 。 (1)、建立: 给定一个安全参数 k蝂+ Step 1: 执行G生成一个素数q, 两个q阶群G1, G2 , 和一个可用的双线性映射 ê: G1碐1瓽2。 此外选取G1 任一生成元 P蜧1,再选取两个HASH函数 H3:{ 0, 1}n×{0, 1}n。 -?, H4:。 :{ 0, 1}n鄘0, 1}n Setp 2: 随机选取一个 s? 令 Ppub=sP。 Step 3: 选择两个算法函数, H1: {0, 1}*?, H2: G2畕0, 1}n 。(对于安全验证,将所有的散列函数看作是随机的数据系统)。 消息空间为M= {0, 1}n。 密文空间为 C = 磠0, 1}n。 输出系统参数为 p = {q, G1, G2, ê, n, P, Ppub, H1, H2 H3, H4,}。 主密钥为 s?。 (2)、提取: 对于一个给定的字符串 Id蝱0, 1}* 算法如下: Step 4: 计算 QId = H1(Id) ?。 Step 5: 设私钥为 SId 则 SId = (QId)s 其中s为主密钥。 (3)、加密: 利用公钥 Id加密m蜯 算法如下: Step 6: 计算 QId = H1(Id) ?。 Step 7: 选择一个随机数 σ?。 Step 8: 设r= H3 (σ,m) Step 9:建立密文为:c= (4)、解密: 令c = 为用公钥加密的密文。如果U不属于 ,则拒绝该密文, 使用私钥要解密 SId? : Step 10:计算σ=V臜2(ê(SId, U)) Step 11:得出m=W H4 (σ) Step 12:设r = H3 (σ,m),验证U与rσ是否相等,如果不等则拒绝。 由上述算法的一般形式可以看出,基本的基于身份的广播加密机制,在解密时需要解一个n个变量的线性方程组(n为用户的数目),虽然有相对有效的方法解方程组但是对于WSN中的节点来说,需要的存储空间和计算量都太大,不适合。 针对上述问题提出了改进的基于身份的广播加密机制[17]。改进的算法不需要解方程组,它基于数学变换利用双线性的特性,在解密时只需要节点自己的私钥和已知的其他节点的公钥即可。采用了IBE算法的简要版本(simple)使用两个hash函数。对于改进基于身份认证的组播认证机制不需要解决任何的线性系统的方程和没有复杂的操作,更适用于计算和存储等能力都受限制的无线传感网络。 2 IBE算法性能分析 2.1 算法安全性 不管对于传统网络还是无线传感器网络,密钥管理方案的安全性都是首要考虑的因素,包括保密性、完整性、有效性等。 现在我们就来分析一下上述IBE算法的安全性。基于椭圆曲线的IBE算法的安全性依赖于给定P和rP条件下计算出r的难度,即求解椭圆曲线对数问题的时间复杂性。节点对明文加密后,将密文连同rP一起发出。解密密文时,当节点正常接收,只要用私钥dID经过计算就可以得到明文;当信息被攻击节点截取时,由于缺少私钥dID,攻击节点要算出密钥只能沿用发送节点的公式: ,假设攻击节点可以知道公钥QId和系统参数P和Ps,同时rP也是连同密文一起发送的,因此只要由P和rP解出发送节点选择的r,就可以得到gID。但是,解出r是几乎不可能的,所以IBE的安全性很高。
Platform: | Size: 1500328 | Author: michelle.yaer@163.com | Hits:


Description: MD5算法c语言实现,有界面,能够暴力破解9个字节以下明文的摘要-MD5 Algorithm c language, interface violence to break nine byte following express Abstract
Platform: | Size: 1076224 | Author: hanzhe | Hits:

[Crack HackCMd5_Unicode

Description: 先前的md5_correct关于Unicode的说法不正确,此版本为验证过的真正支持Unicode的版本,修正了其他的小问题。注意文件格式仅支持ansi格式,其他格式的支持不是本类的重点。关键词:md5,CMd5,Unicode,hash-previous md5_correct on Unicode is not correct. This version tested for the genuine support of Unicode version, the amendment of other minor problems. Attention to the file format support ansi only format, other formats are not supporting this kind of focus. Keywords : md5, CMd5, Unicode, hash
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: xb | Hits:

[Crack HackDSA

Description: Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)是Schnorr和ElGamal签名算法的变种,被美国NIST作为DSS(DigitalSignature Standard)。算法中应用了下述参数: p:L bits长的素数。L是64的倍数,范围是512到1024; q:p - 1的160bits的素因子; g:g = h^((p-1)/q) mod p,h满足h < p - 1, h^((p-1)/q) mod p > 1; x:x < q,x为私钥 ; y:y = g^x mod p ,( p, q, g, y )为公钥; H( x ):One-Way Hash函数。DSS中选用SHA( Secure Hash Algorithm )。 p, q, g可由一组用户共享,但在实际应用中,使用公共模数可能会带来一定的威胁。签名及验证协议如下: 1. P产生随机数k,k < q; 2. P计算 r = ( g^k mod p ) mod q s = ( k^(-1) (H(m) + xr)) mod q 签名结果是( m, r, s )。 3. 验证时计算 w = s^(-1)mod q u1 = ( H( m ) * w ) mod q u2 = ( r * w ) mod q v = (( g^u1 * y^u2 ) mod p ) mod q 若v = r,则认为签名有效。   DSA是基于整数有限域离散对数难题的,其安全性与RSA相比差不多。DSA的一个重要特点是两个素数公开,这样,当使用别人的p和q时,即使不知道私钥,你也能确认它们是否是随机产生的,还是作了手脚。RSA算法却作不到。
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: wildkaede | Hits:

[Crack HackHash

Description: MD5加密算法,实现报文认证!!运算速度快,兼容性好-MD5 encryption algorithm, message authentication realize! ! Computing speed, better compatibility
Platform: | Size: 1971200 | Author: 黄少滨 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTorrentParser

Description: 实现的封装类CTorrentParser,完成的主要任务有: 1.判断torrent文件是否有效 2.得到如下的重要信息: tracker服务器列表 文件列表 分块尺寸 分块个数 分块sha1的数组 3.其他的一些次要信息如发布者,发布日期,注释等 4.计算infohash -Metainfo files are bencoded dictionaries with the following keys: announce The URL of the tracker. info This maps to a dictionary, with keys described below. The name key maps to a string which is the suggested name to save the file (or directory) as. It is purely advisory. piece length maps to the number of bytes in each piece the file is split into. For the purposes of transfer, files are split into fixed-size pieces which are all the same length except for possibly the last one which may be truncated. Piece length is almost always a power of two, most commonly 218 = 256 K (BitTorrent prior to version 3.2 uses 220 = 1 M as default). pieces maps to a string whose length is a multiple of 20. It is to be subdivided into strings of length 20, each of which is the SHA1 hash of the piece at the corresponding index. There is also a key length or a key files, but not both or neither. If length is present then the download represents a single file, otherwise it represent
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴开红 | Hits:

[Crack Hackmd5.tar

Description: MD5 Hash Verilog code
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: ahmadyan | Hits:


Description: 考虑具体问题的关键字集合,如{19,14,23,1,68,20,84,27,55,11,10,79}这样一组数据和给定的哈希表长m 或哈希表的装填因子a,选用除留余数法和线性探测再散列技术解决冲突所形成的哈希表-Keywords set to consider specific issues, such as (19,14,23,1,68,20,84,27,55,11,10,79) such a set of data and a given length m of the hash table or hash form filling factor a, I choose to stay except the number of law and the linear probing hashing technology to solve the conflict re-formation of the hash table
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lilin | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsrsa

Description: rsa&md5 公钥和私钥就是从两个文件PublicKey.xml、PrivateKey.xml中读取出来,相当于是现实中的指定公钥和私钥;再验证时我为了方便直接验证的A计算出的HASH码,现实中应该是由B重新计算出文件M的HASH码-ras&md5
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 123 | Hits:


Description: RFID系统的IEEE的文章,安全协议,认证- In this paper, we first propose a cryptographic authentication protocol which meets the privacy protection for tag bearers, and then a digital Codec for RFID tag is designed based on the protocol. The protocol which uses cryptographic hash algorithm is based on a three-way challenge response authentication scheme. In addition, we will show how the three different types of protocol frame formats are formed by extending the ISO/IEC 18000-3 standard[3] for implementing the proposed authentication protocol in RFID system environment. The system has been described in Verilog HDL and also synthesized using Synopsys Design Compiler with Hynix 0.25 µ m standard-cell library. From implementation results, we found that the proposed scheme is well suite to implement robust RFID system against active attacks such as the man-in-the-middle attack.
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: fxy | Hits:


Description: hmac using SHA algorithm source code-hmac using SHA algorithm source code...
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: anshul khandelwal | Hits:

[Data structsha

Description: 假设哈希表长为m,哈希函为H(x),用链地址法处理冲突,试编写输入一组关键字并建造哈希表的算法。-Suppose the hash table length m, the hash function as H (x), treatment with a chain address the conflict and try to enter a keyword and the preparation of the construction of hash table algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林小芬 | Hits:

[Crack HackElGamal

Description: Elgamal签名是基于离散对数问题的,首先选择p,g计算出B,作为公钥(p,g,B),在选择一个a作为私钥,给出明文m,对明文机型加密,计算出x,y,得到签名,接收方就可以进行验证。签名过程中必须使用Hash函数,否则的话容易受到存在性伪造攻击,并且签名长度是明文长度的二倍。 -Obtained by the Elgamal discrete logarithm problem cryptographic algorithms, first, Elgamal key generation, the machine generates a large random prime p, choose a generator g Zp
Platform: | Size: 3878912 | Author: 王风 | Hits:

[Data structsyudaoq

Description: 查找、排序的应用实验1) 顺序查找; 2) 分别使用直接插入排序、冒泡排序、快速排序对原纪录序列进行排序,并显示排序结果; 3) 对上述纪录列表排好序,然后对其进行折半查找; 4) 利用原纪录序列建立一颗二叉排序树,并在其上实现特定关键字值结点的查找; 5) 按照“除留余数法”哈希构造函数和线性探测再散列的冲突处理方法创建表长为m=11的哈希表; 6) 实现5)创建哈希表上的查找。 -Find, Sequencing Experiment 1) sequential search 2), respectively, using the direct insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort to sort the original sequence record, and display the sorting results 3) the record of the list sorted, then its the binary search 4) the use of the original record to establish a sequence of binary sort tree, and in its values to achieve a specific keyword search nodes 5) in accordance with the " except to stay more than the number of Law" and the linear probing hash constructor, then conflict management methods to create the hash table length m = 11 in the hash table 6) to achieve 5) Create a hash table lookup.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[Data structsRK

Description: 实验RK算法,即利用Hash方法和素数理论,首先定义一个Hash函数(hash (r) = r mod q),然后将模式串P和文本串T中长度为m的子串利用Hash函数转换成数值。显然只需比较那些与模式串具有相同Hash函数值的子串。 当然因为Hash冲突的存在,还要进一步进行字符串比较,但只要选择适当的素数q, Hash冲突的概率就会很小 -Experimental RK algorithm, namely the use of Hash methods and prime number theory, first of all define a Hash Function (hash (r) = r mod q), then the pattern string P and text string T of length m substring using Hash function to convert values . Clearly only those with the pattern string comparison Hash function values ??with the same substring. Of course, the existence of the conflict because of Hash, but also further string comparison, but as long as selecting the appropriate prime q, Hash is very small the probability of conflict
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: chenb | Hits:


Description: 二维坐标系上有一些炸弹,每个炸弹有x,y坐标和爆炸后波及的范围r,这个r指的是跟自己曼哈顿距离r以内的点 就类似于扫雷那样,一个炸弹爆炸可能引起一片一片的炸弹炸出去 然后有一些询问,问点燃某个炸弹后会有多少个炸弹爆炸 已经炸过的就不算了 -#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> using namespace std const int maxn = 110005 const int inf = 2000000005 struct NODE{ int y, dis NODE(){ } NODE(int _y, int _dis){ y = _y dis = _dis } bool operator <(const NODE &tmp)const{ if(y == tmp.y) return dis < tmp.dis return y < tmp.y } } struct POINT{ int x, y, dis POINT() { } POINT(int _x, int _y, int _dis){ x = _x y = _y dis = _dis } }df[maxn], myque[1111111] int n, m, hash[maxn], num vector<NODE>mygraph[maxn] void init(){ num = 0 for(int i = 0 i < maxn i++) mygraph[i].clear() } void readdata(){
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 夏超 | Hits:


Description: 哈希表的操作基本功能如下: (1)生成n个随机数并输出。 (2)确定适当的哈希地址空间大小m,使控制装填因子α在0.75左右。 (3)采用除留余数法作为哈希函数 H(key)=key p,选择适当的p。 (4)用开放定址法中线性探查法处理冲突建立哈希表,并计算平均查找长度。 (5)功能:检索、插入、删除。-The basic function of the operation of the hash table as follows: (a) generating a random number, and n outputs. (2) to determine the appropriate size of the hash address space m, the control loading factor α at around 0.75. (3) In addition to leaving the remainder using a hash function H (key) = key p, select the appropriate p. (4) establish conflict hash table with open addressing method in the linear probe method, and calculate the average search length. (5) Function: retrieve, insert, delete.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[source in ebookHASH

Description: 散列表(Hash table,也叫哈希表),是根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构。也就是说,它通过把关键码值映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,以加快查找的速度。这个映射函数叫做散列函数,存放记录的数组叫做散列表。给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,函数f(key)为哈希(Hash) 函数。-Hash table
Platform: | Size: 323584 | Author: KID | Hits:


Description: 散列表(Hash table,也叫哈希表),是根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构。也就是说,它通过把关键码值映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,以加快查找的速度。这个映射函数叫做散列函数,存放记录的数组叫做散列表。 给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,函数f(key)为哈希(Hash) 函数。-Hash (Hash table, also called a hash table), based on key values ​ ​ (Key value) and direct access to the data structure. In other words, it is to access records by key value mapped to a table in a position to accelerate the lookup speed. This mapping function called a hash function to store the recorded array called a hash table. Given Table M, the presence of the function f (key), for any given key value key, if obtained after substituting function records containing that keyword address in the table, called a hash table M (Hash) table, the function f (key) for the hash (Hash) function.
Platform: | Size: 480256 | Author: ANDY | Hits:
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