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Description: 基于ffdshow改的简化视频解码filter
Platform: | Size: 1544843 | Author: meteorjun | Hits:

[AlgorithmLabVIEW CIC Filter for 1bit PDM

Description: LabVIEW編寫之多階 Cascaded Integrator Comb Decimation Filter, 用於解調1bit PDM 數字資料流, 還原成時域波形, 程式一併產生頻域波形及SNR, THD分析. 1bit PDM 數字流常由Delta-Sigma ADC產生, MEMS數字麥克風亦輸出此格式數字流. 程式版本: LabVIEW 2009 with S&V module, Digital Filter toolkit.
Platform: | Size: 587134 | Author: kbxkbx | Hits:

[SourceCodegabor filter code

Description: gabor filter
Platform: | Size: 865 | Author: huyaling507@gmail.com | Hits:

[Program docWindows File Filter

Description: Windows File Filter
Platform: | Size: 509205 | Author: sunboy0755@163.com | Hits:

[GDI-Bitmapopencv_gaussian filter median filter

Description: opencv_ 应用gaussian filter 高斯滤波 and中值滤波 median filter 处理图像的简单程序
Platform: | Size: 1430310 | Author: lulvyanfeng | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkAutentication Filter

Description: 本实例将通过ISAPI提供的功能实现访问控制过滤器(Autentication Filter)。可以设定最大访问用户的数量以及授权用户名和密码。-example through the provision of functional ISAPI access control filters (Autentication Filter). The visit can set a maximum number of users and the authorized user name and password.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 韩明军 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsSIR filter

Description: particle filter using SIR
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 仝明磊 | Hits:

[BooksDigital Filter Designers Handbook, Rorabaugh

Description: 数字滤波器设计——带有C代码,非常好!-digital filter design-- with C code, very good!
Platform: | Size: 7654400 | Author: 杨涛 | Hits:

[Graph programA Filter-Bank-Based Kalman Filtering Technique for

Description: A Filter-Bank-Based Kalman Filtering Technique for Wavelet Estimation and Decomposition of Random Signals.pdf
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 晓波 | Hits:

[Multimedia Develop拉模式源filter

Description: 我写的一个简单的源filter,将文件作为数据源,这是一个拉模式的源filter,功能比较简单,凑合这看吧-I wrote a simple source filter, as will document data sources, this is a widening pattern of the source filter, a relatively simple function, which is very bright and improvise
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: x_jh | Hits:

[Algorithmkalman filter

Description: kalman滤波子函数,包含用于矩阵运算的子函数MATMATH-kalman filter function includes MATMATH function for matrix operation.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 白小石 | Hits:

[Web ServerISAPI Filter 限制 IIS 多线程访问

Description: 使用 ISAPI Filter 实现的限制 IIS 多线程访问程序。 主要应用在下载系统,或者使用 IIS 做的流媒体点播系统中,稍加修改可以使其具有认证功能。在程序中已经对 用户认证 事件做了直接返回的处理。 使用本 Filter 可以很容易的获得服务器的连接数,从而可以实现多个服务器的负载平衡(可以把请求分发到连接较少的一个服务器上)。 可以对访问的有效控制,可以自定义无限制用户IP,限制用户的IP。 从而可以实现对某个IP的限制数不限制,或者对某个IP的封杀。-use ISAPI Filter achieve restrictions IIS multithreading visit procedures. The main application download system, or do IIS use of streaming media on-demand system, a little change can make it authenticated. The procedures for user authentication has done a deal with the direct return. The use of the Filter can easily access server connections, which can be achieved over the server load balancing (request can be sent to a less connected server). The visit can be an effective control, can define unlimited user IP, the IP user restrictions. Thus it is possible for a limited number of IP no restrictions, or to a particular IP block.
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: zero | Hits:

[DirextXRGB8 filter

Description: DIREXTX的一个过滤例子。读出视频文件中的图像。之后把图像转成8位色图像输-DIREXTX example of a filter. Reading out the video images. After the image is transferred into eight color image output up
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effects1D gabor Filter

Description: Description: Recent studies on Mathematical modeling of visual cortical cells [Kulikowski/Marcelja/Bishop:1982] suggest a tuned band pass filter bank structure. These filters are found to have Gaussian transfer functions in the frequency domain. Thus, taking the Inverse Fourier Transform of this transfer function we get a filter characteristics closely resembling to the Gabor filters. The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively) modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively).
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: gz | Hits:

[Communication-Mobiledigital filter

Description: 数字滤波器的C语言实现,包括高通、低通、带通滤波器-Digital Filter C language, including high- and low-pass, band-pass filter
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 张承云 | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-Verilogfilter 代码

Description: 用verilog实现滤波器的功能,通过软件综合仿真,在利用FPGA实现-using Verilog filter function to achieve through integrated simulation software, the use of FPGA
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: 龙明 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4Adaptive deblocking filter

Description: 这是介绍H.264编解码中 Deblocking Filter的一篇IEEE的文章,写的的很好!推荐! 还有希望版主在源码类型多媒体里面加一个H.264的条目。-introduced H.264 Decoder Filter rendering of an IEEE article, write well! Recommended! The moderator also hope that the types of multimedia source inside an H.264 plus entries.
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: 毕松林 | Hits:

[DSP programIIR-Filter

Description: IIR数字滤波器,包括Lowpass、HighPass 和 Passband 获取于网络-IIR digital filter, including Lowpass. Passband HighPass and access to network
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 关于匹配滤波的相关计算,使用matlab编程实现,探讨匹配滤波的一些问题。-matched filter on the relevant calculations, the use of Matlab programming, the matched filter to explore some of the problems.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xuhan | Hits:


Description: 基于MSP430单片机实现的FIR滤波器C语言程序,希望对大家有帮助-MSP430 MCU based FIR filter C language program, we hope to help
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: gaojian | Hits:
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