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[OS programvc DirectX Input获得鼠标输入mouseinput

Description: 本文简单阐述了使用DirectX Input获得鼠标输入的办法。简单介绍DirectX Input使用的函数。-This paper briefly discusses the use of DirectX Input received mouse input approach. A brief introduction to the use of DirectX Input function.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: | Hits:


Description: DirectX中文开发手册,是学习DirectX的强有力的工具,详细讲解了DirectX的各种技术!-DirectX development manual, learning DirectX is a powerful tool, detailed account of the various DirectX technology!
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 姬小兵 | Hits:

[CSharpSams - Managed DirectX 9 Kick Start - Graphics And

Description: Sams - Managed DirectX 9 Kick Start - Graphics And Game Programming - CODE (CSHARP).rar-Sams- Managed DirectX 9 Kick Start- Graphics And Game Programming- CODE (CSHARP).rar
Platform: | Size: 7394304 | Author: 吴志刚 | Hits:

[DirextXDirectX 5.0游戏编程指南之DirectDraw篇

Description: 讲解如何用DirectDraw进行游戏编程,DirectX有些旧,但方法仍可用。-explain how DirectDraw game programming, DirectX some old, but the measures could be used.
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: 王大力 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopDSPack (使用DirectX技术控件包) 2.31

Description: 这是基于Delphi的DSPack (使用DirectX技术控件包) 2.31-This is based on Delphi DSPack (using DirectX technology control packages) 2.31
Platform: | Size: 1635328 | Author: 覃积飞 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopATL写的基于DirectX的游戏引擎

Description: 软件简介: 学着ATL,又在学DirectX,突发灵感,为何不用ATL写一个游戏引擎?!!! 呜呼,心血澎湃,于是开始写。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 设计原则: 提供功能性代码,相当于简化DirectX功能接口,使之更方便使用。 不提供游戏上层的逻辑关系组织。 如果将来用它来写游戏,游戏的数据、逻辑关系,都需要游戏程序里建立、保存。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 为何用ATL来写? 本想用DLL来封装,但是DLL的接口是函数,面太宽,一者不方便使用,再说了,写代码也麻烦。 ATL可以用接口号,比如DirectDraw用一个接口,DirectSound用一个接口.... ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 为何不用MFC的COM来写? 麻烦。 那些底层的AddRef,Release都得自己来写,太麻烦了。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 现在刚开始写。先写DirectDraw部分。 写了一点点,但是这部分的框架已经出来了。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 大家自己注册一下吧,或者重编一下程序。 我用的是DirectX7.0版本。 -software brief : ATL learn, in school DirectX and sudden inspiration, why not write an ATL game engine? ! ! ! Alas, the efforts of emotion and began to write. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Design the principle : to provide functional code, which is equivalent to simplify DirectX functional interface to make it more user friendly. No game on the upper logical organization. If it is used to write games, games of the data, logic, games need to establish procedures to preserve. Why use ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ATL to write? To use the DLL to package, but the interface is the DLL function, too much width, a person inconvenient to use, say, write code in trouble. ATL interfaces can be used, such as an interface with DirectDraw, with a DirectSound inte
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: dasny | Hits:


Description: DirectX中文手册,很好的DirectX开发的参考资料,-DirectX Chinese manual, a good reference for the development of DirectX,
Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: 洪旭恒 | Hits:

[DirextXDirectX cn

Description: Directx 9 中文手册 翻译于2001年-DirectX 9 manual translation from the Chinese in 2001
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 星宇 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVisual C++高级编程技术DirectX篇

Description: Visual C++高级编程技术DirectX篇.rar Visual C++高级编程技术 的事例代码-Visual C Advanced Programming Part DirectX technology. Rar Visual C Advanced Programming examples of code
Platform: | Size: 417792 | Author: 赵军分 | Hits:


Description: 游戏编程系列书籍之[Beginning.DirectX.9.0].Beginning.DirectX.9.rar-game series Book [Beginning.DirectX.9.0]. Beg inning.DirectX.9.rar
Platform: | Size: 2095104 | Author: 阿牛 | Hits:


Description: 《Visual C 6.0高级编程技术——DirectX篇》程序源代码-"Visual C 6.0 Advanced Technology Program-- DirectX chapter" source code
Platform: | Size: 437248 | Author: fra | Hits:

[Other Games用Delphi+DirectX开发简单RPG游戏

Description:  提到 RPG (角色扮演游戏,Role Play Game),在座各位恐怕没有不熟悉的。从古老经典的 DOS 版《仙剑奇侠传》到新潮花哨的《轩辕剑》系列,无不以曲折优美的故事情节,美丽可人的主角,悦耳动情的背景音乐,震撼了每一个玩家的心灵。而说到 RPG,就不能不提 DirectX,因为 PC 上大部分的 RPG 都是用这个冬冬开发的。早在《轩辕剑叁外传——天之痕》推出的时候,我就曾想过用 DirectX 写一个自己的 RPG,自己来安排故事情节的发展,却总是因为这样或那样的事情,一直没有能够实现这个心愿。在耗费了宝贵的几年青春,搞定了诸如考试、恋爱、出国等琐碎杂事之后,我终于可以在这个 SARS 肆虐的时代,坐在陪伴了我整个大学生涯的电脑前,听着颓废而又声嘶力竭的不知名歌曲,写一些一直想写却没有写的东西。-mentioned RPG (role-playing game, Role Play Game) No, I am afraid you are not familiar with. From the old classic DOS version of "goods" to the garish hip "X-Men" series, all twists and turns to a beautiful story, beautiful girl, the protagonist, the emotionally pleasant background music, each one shook the player's minds. Talking about the RPG, one has to mention DirectX. because most of the PC RPG has been used in the development of the boys. Back in the "X-Men San rumor-- Tianzhigen" launched, I once thought of using DirectX write their own RPG, to arrange their own story of development, because it is a way or another things have not been able to achieve this aspiration. Wasting precious years of their youth, to get as examinations, love and leave the
Platform: | Size: 1313792 | Author: 李金鹏 | Hits:


Description: 一个演示DirectX中使用Stencil的程序,所有的代码都自己编写.并且附带了编程心得.-a demonstration of the use of DirectX Stencil procedures, all the code to their preparation. fringe and the programming experience.
Platform: | Size: 701440 | Author: 杨兵 | Hits:


Description: 用DirectX实现的视频捕捉和保存程序,平台是.net,语言是C#.-achieved using DirectX video capture and storage procedures, platform yes. Net language is C#.
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: 王慧璐 | Hits:

[Game EngineAdvanced-3D-Game-Programming-with-DirectX-9.0scr.r

Description: Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 一书的源代码-Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.01 books source codes
Platform: | Size: 4708352 | Author: PanYupin | Hits:

[3D GraphicATL-DirectX

Description: ATL写的基于DirectX的 游戏引擎源代码.zip-ATL was based on the DirectX game engine source code. Zip
Platform: | Size: 387072 | Author: 小帅 | Hits:


Description: DirectX.9电子书籍,SAMS出版!游戏编程、三维程序设计必备!注意,非DirectX.9自带文档!-DirectX.9 electronic books, SAMS Publishing! Game programming, 3-D design procedures required! Attention to the non-DirectX.9 bring their own files!
Platform: | Size: 1361920 | Author: 郭红波 | Hits:


Description: 用于Directx初学者,可以到入由骨骼的X文件,以及导入位图作为地面-for Directx beginners can go to the bone by means of X documents, and into the ground as a bitmap
Platform: | Size: 9068544 | Author: | Hits:


Description: DIRECTX中文手册 目前,手册中只有DirectDraw部分,它的内容都是从DirectX 5.0 SDK 中翻译过来的,有些地方加入了我自己的理解。如果你觉得有不合适的地方,请告诉老王(waa@126.com),愿意与你一起修改。 -DIRECTX Chinese Manual Currently, only DirectDraw part of the manual, its contents are from the DirectX 5.0 SDK in the translation, and some joined the place of my own understanding. If you feel that there is inappropriate place, please let Pharaoh (waa@126.com), willing to work with you to amend.
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: yql | Hits:

[3D GraphicDirectX-lizi

Description: 用DIRECTX的粒子系统开发的一个烟花效果的程序.-DIRECTX the particle system used to develop a procedure for the fireworks effects.
Platform: | Size: 1504256 | Author: | Hits:
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