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[Other resourceanalog-amplify

Description: Protel.DXP.电路设计制版analog-amplify
Platform: | Size: 7554 | Author: 天边 | Hits:


Description: 採用Microchip公司的單片機PIC16C67和Analog Devices公司的ADE7755為核心,設計了單相多功能複費率數字電度表,主要功能用於家庭或工廠的電能消耗測量,他不僅具有電能計量.費率管理.通訊統功能,同時具有計量精度高.電磁兼容性能好.過載能力強.功耗低.安裝時無需校表.穩定性好.壽命長.以及測量精度高等特點.
Platform: | Size: 290870 | Author: sp2590 | Hits:

[OtherAnalog-to-Digital conversion

Description: Analog-to-Digital conversion
Platform: | Size: 16315463 | Author: xuyue1983@gmail.com | Hits:

[OtherSolutions Manual_Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems-B_P_Lathi

Description: Solutions Manual for Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems-B.P.Lathi B.P.Lathi的Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems的课后习题答案
Platform: | Size: 4417755 | Author: qwe5456 | Hits:

[BooksAnalog CMOS design - Fundamentals of Microelectronics

Description: Analog CMOS design - Fundamentals of Microelectronics
Platform: | Size: 7453307 | Author: itcoming | Hits:

[DocumentsAnalog-to-digital converter survey and analysis.ra

Description: 软件无线电技术应用- The software radio technology applies
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: 刘军 | Hits:

[assembly language模拟时钟

Description: 一个模拟时钟的汇编语言程序-an analog clock Assembly Language Program
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 野牛 | Hits:


Description: 用VB编的一个小巧的模拟电视机,不防一试.-VB series with a small analog TV sets, not against a test.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 杨杰 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSop amps for everyone

Description: TI公司模拟电路专家撰写的顶级运算放大器设计指南,可惜是英文的。不过还是值得推荐-TI analog circuit written by the top experts Operational amplifier design guidelines, it is a pity that in English. But it is worthy of recommendation
Platform: | Size: 1802240 | Author: 闪核 | Hits:


Description: 用ADC0804测量模拟电压,电压范围从0V到5V都能精确的测量,该程序已调试成功,可直接运用-ADC0804 measurement using analog voltage, voltage range from 0V to 5V can precise measurement, the debugging procedure has been successful and could be directly applied
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 张炜 | Hits:


Description: PSpice一本很好的教程。Pspice仿真器是一个全功能的模拟和混合信号仿真器,它支持从高频系统到低功耗IC设计的任何电路。-PSpice a very good tutorial. Pspice simulator is a fully functional analog and mixed-signal simulator, its support from the high-frequency systems to low-power IC design of any circuit.
Platform: | Size: 3291136 | Author: 王真 | Hits:

[DSP program基于FPGA的数字信号显示系统软硬件设计

Description: 该文阐述了现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA的主要特点,应用FPGA芯片和VHDL硬件描述语言设计的模拟示波器数字信号显示系统的设计原理和设计方法。-this paper, the field programmable logic devices FPGA main feature FPGA chip and VHDL hardware description language design analog signals to digital oscilloscope system design principles Design and Methods.
Platform: | Size: 439296 | Author: 张志华 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个漂亮的模拟时钟程序,简单使用,代码可重用,具有参考价值-This is a nice analog clock procedures, simple to use, code reusability, with the reference value
Platform: | Size: 942080 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个英文版的实用模拟电路设计技术电子书,从里面的图片就可以看出是搞真技术的,有点像小日本的出书风格,很好-An English version of the analog circuit design techniques and practical e-books, from the inside can be seen on the picture are really engaged in technology, a bit like a small book of Japanese style, very good! ! ! !
Platform: | Size: 4918272 | Author: wilsonhuang | Hits:


Description: avr atmega8 利用自带的ad转换来进行模数信号的转变。有prouteus仿真-avr atmega8 own ad using the conversion to analog-to-digital signal change. There are prouteus Simulation
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: wsd | Hits:


Description: 经典教材:模拟电子技术基础(第二版),童诗白-Classic textbooks: Analog Electronics (Second Edition), white poetry
Platform: | Size: 38855680 | Author: nm | Hits:


Description: [模拟集成电路的分析与设计].Analysis.and.Design.of.Analog.Integrated.Circuits.(Gray.Mayer.et.al.4th.ed.2001-Analysis.and.Design.of.Analog.Integrated.Circuits.(Gray.Mayer.et.al.4th.ed.2001))
Platform: | Size: 39305216 | Author: yeyang | Hits:


Description: 这是《模拟CMOS集成电路设计》的英文原版,由Behzad.Razav写的,很好的资料啊 收藏多年-This is the " Analog CMOS IC Design" in English original, from Behzad.Razav written a very good collection of information for many years ah
Platform: | Size: 40713216 | Author: tgfeng | Hits:


Description: 一个关于模拟网络编码的文献,主要介绍了线性模拟网络编码,值得一看。-A literature on the analog network coding, introduces the linear analog network coding, worth a visit.
Platform: | Size: 305152 | Author: liuweiwei | Hits:


Description: modern digital and analog communication systems
Platform: | Size: 3879936 | Author: balu | Hits:
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