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[Other Embeded programCC1020_RF_modem_document_and_source_code

Description: 基于CC1020的射频modem设计文档及源代码,代码使用IAR PIC16 C语言编写的,该语言与ANSI C兼容 -based on the CC1020 RF modem design documents and source code, IAR PIC16 code using C language, the language and ANSI C compatible
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: 王文 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 448512 | Author: 风雷 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackPureAloha

Description: 一个模拟根据slotALOHA协议的实验,用于检测信息发送是否冲突. -slotALOHA an agreement under simulated experiments for detecting whether the information this conflict.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 张青龙 | Hits:


Description: 模拟以太网上CSMA/CD协议.在字符界面下,你可以任意规定你要测试的竞争的次数,程序会按照你给的数据进行测试。在该程序中,站的总数为4个,所以每一次竞争结束之后,都会输出一个结果,告诉你在该次竞争中是1、2、3、4站中的哪个站,赢得了本次传输的机会。-simulation Ethernet CSMA/CD agreement. Characters in the interface, You can arbitrarily requiring that you have to test competition in the number of procedures you have to be in accordance with the test data. In the process, the total number of stations to four, so every time after the end of competition will output a result, tell you that the competition is 1, 2, 3, 4 points in the station which won the transmission of this opportunity.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sherry | Hits:

[Other Embeded programcsma

Description: 使用在cc1000芯片和avr128l处理器上的无线通讯新到监听程序,比较简单适合入门。-Use in the CC1000 chip and processor avr128l wireless monitor new procedures for entry is relatively simple.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 吴明诗 | Hits:


Description: 本代码用于基于opnet的aloha协议的仿真代码
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 薛娜 | Hits:


Description: CSMA/CD仿真代码,千兆以太网以前版本中统一采用的争用方法,以此来决定对媒体访问权,里面涉及到了退避算法等。可在opnet环境下实现,经验证通过。-CSMA/CD simulation code, Gigabit Ethernet previous versions used to compete for a unified approach, in order to decide on the right of media access, which relates to the backoff algorithm. OPNET environment can be achieved through the experience card.
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: cquptliuhui | Hits:


Description: omnet++自带的十六个仿真例程,omnet++入门必学-omnet++ own simulation routine 16, omnet++ entry must learn
Platform: | Size: 8718336 | Author: yy | Hits:


Description: Omnet++学习全书,内含网络每个层的仿真实例和源代码(已经测试) -Omnet++ Learning book that contains the network layer of each simulation examples and source code (already tested)
Platform: | Size: 1256448 | Author: liusong | Hits:


Description: 射频识别技术[Radio Frequency Identification,RFID]是自动识别技术的一种,近几年发展非常迅速。射频识别技术的工作方式是利用射频方式进行非接触双向通信,以达到识别目标对象并交换数据。-RFID [Radio Frequency Identification, RFID] is an automatic identification technology, developed rapidly in recent years. Radio frequency identification technology, working methods are conducted using non-contact radio frequency two-way communication, so as to achieve the target audience identification and exchange of data.
Platform: | Size: 1147904 | Author: 胡利建 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 349184 | Author: 安安 | Hits:


Description: 无线传感器网络低占空比MAC协议研究 介绍MAC协议-mac protocol
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: 乔福 | Hits:


Description: RFID的源代码,比较珍贵,但愿能给你帮助。-RFID' s source code, more precious, I hope you can help.
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: chenwei | Hits:


Description: 本文详述了OPNET 网络仿真软件 的主要特性及其网络层次建模机制,利用OPNET 网络仿真技术设计了Aloha 和CSMA 协议的网络模型,并利用OPNET 软 件仿真证明在任何信道流量复合下,CSMA 协议都表现出比Aloha 协议更加优越的性能。-This paper expatiated on the chief performance of OPNET and it s network hierarchical model mecha2 nism. The design and simulation of two model s of networks2Aloha and CSMA according to OPNET was fulfilled. The ex2 periment result s indicate that CSMA protocol has better performance comparing with Aloha.
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: 灿烂六月 | Hits:

[OS programjhdgsayfgyaefyi

Description: 在20世纪70年代初期夏威夷大学首次试验成功随机接入。这是为了使地理上分散的用户通过无线电来使用中心计算机。由于无线电信道是一个公用信道,一个站发送的信息可以同时被多个站收到,而每个站又是随机发送的,因此这种系统是一个随机接入系统。夏威夷大学早期研制的系统称为ALOHA,是Additive Link On-line HAwaii system的缩写,而ALOHA恰好又是夏威夷方言的“你好”。下面先介绍纯ALOHA。-70 in the 20th century, the University of Hawaii in the early success of the first random access test. This is to enable geographically dispersed users to make use of computer radio. Road as a result of wireless telecommunications is a public channel, a station can send the information received by a number of stations, each station is randomly sent, this system is a random access system. University of Hawaii known as the Early Development of the system ALOHA, is Additive Link On-line HAwaii system of abbreviations, and ALOHA Hawaiian dialect is just a " Hello." First introduced the following pure ALOHA.
Platform: | Size: 133120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 水下ns2 UnderWaterMiracle: Underwater Channel, PHY and MAC for NS-MIRACLE .-UnderWaterMiracle: Underwater Channel, PHY and MAC for NS-MIRACLE . escription: we have developed a module for ns-miracle that allows a fully detailed simulation of the underwater channel, including frequency-dependent attenuation and noise, and the impact of temperature, salinity and depth on the propagation speed of acoustic waves. Included in this model are also two underwater PHY models: one providing the maximum theoretical bitrate according to Shannon s theorem, and the other implementing a BPSK modulation scheme. Other PHY layer implementations can easily be developed. Thanks to the PHY/MAC API included in Miracle, it is possible and also very easy to develop and test different MAC layers on top of the underwater PHY. Currently provided MAC protocols are ALOHA and FDMA. The module can be downloaded here below. Please note that nsmiracle version 1.2.0 or above is required for the module to run.
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: geful | Hits:


Description: Linux的伙伴算法把所有的空闲页面分为10个块组,每组中块的大小是2的幂次方个页面,例如,第0组中块的大小都为20 (1个页面),第1组中块的大小为都为21(2个页面),第9组中块的大小都为29(512个页面)。也就是说,每一组中块的大小是相同的,且这同样大小的块形成一个链表-Linux partners algorithm all the free page is divided into 10 blocks of groups, each group in the block size is two power-of-pages, for example, the first group in the 0 block size is 20 (one page), the first a block size of the group are 21 (2 pages), 9 blocks the size of the group are 29 (512 pages). In other words, each group in the block size is the same, and the same size to form a linked list of blocks
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: rain | Hits:


Description: 入门omnet++,omnet++仿真实验,欢迎大家一起交流。-It is very useful for student who study omnet++.
Platform: | Size: 486400 | Author: 刘小玉 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringRFIDANDCONTAINER

Description: 硕士论文,设计了基于RFID的集装箱电子锁并讨论了电子标签的防碰撞机制。比较了目前常用的电子标签常用的防碰撞方法。在Aloha算法和时间片Aloha算法的基础上加以改进,可自动获取读头读取范围的标签ID清单并动态分配时间片给电子标签。在该算法 中融入系统低频唤醒和定时唤醒的特点,以降低电子标签的功耗。-Master' s thesis, the design of container-based RFID electronic lock and discussed the e-tag anti-collision mechanism. Comparison of the current commonly used electronic tags commonly used anti-collision method. In the Aloha algorithm and time slot based on the Aloha algorithm to be improved, can automatically obtain the reader to read the label ID range list and dynamic allocation of time slices to the electronic tag. In the algorithm integrated into the system wake-up frequency and timing characteristics of wake-up in order to reduce the power consumption of electronic tags.
Platform: | Size: 2340864 | Author: xqzhang | Hits:


Description: 谢希仁计算机网络光盘附录 说明文档 随机接入技术ALOHA 综合业务数字网ISDN ATM通信量,漏桶算法 最短路径算法Dijkstra-Measuring Your computer network documentation CD-ROM Appendix ALOHA Random Access Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN ATM traffic, leaky bucket algorithm Dijkstra shortest path algorithm
Platform: | Size: 133120 | Author: dongshaojie | Hits:
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