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[Other Embeded programMSP430-application-of-thermometer

Description: 在《温度计_基本原理》程序中,已经实现了一个温度测量和显示的系统,但因为采样速率很快,且对基准源不加控制,耗电很大(800uA左右)。本例中,将温度采集速度降到1秒一次,且采样间隙时间不仅关闭基准源,还让CPU进入LPM3休眠状态,大大节省了耗电。该程序功耗仅10uA左右,可用纽扣电池长期运行(2年)。实际上对于环境温度1秒1次采样仍属浪费,如果降到5秒一次,功耗可下降到4uA左右(CR2032电池工作5年)。按KEY3后,CPU进入LPM4,功耗下降到0.1uA,这是一种常用的不断电的关机方法。同时,该程序示例了如何例用程序库快速的完成开发任务。-In the "basic principles of the thermometer _" program, has achieved a temperature measurement and display system, but because the sampling rate soon, and uncontrolled source of reference, a large power consumption (800uA or so). In this example, the temperature dropped to 1 second time acquisition speed, and the sampling time is not only close the gap reference source, but also allow CPU access to LPM3 sleep, significant savings in power consumption. 10uA power consumption is only about the program, the available long-running button batteries (2 years). In fact, for the ambient temperature 1 1 second sample is still a waste, if reduced to 5 seconds, power consumption can be reduced to around 4uA (CR2032 battery 5 years). After the press KEY3, CPU into LPM4, power consumption down to 0.1uA, which is a commonly used method for UPS shutdown. At the same time, the program example of how patients use the library to complete the development tasks faster.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: 陶宇 | Hits:


Description: 温度计_基本原理:能够实现实现物体温度的实时在线检测-The basic principles of the thermometer
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 李宁鸟 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMusic-----Digital-Thermometer

Description: 这是我和队友一起做的音乐数字温度计,该温度计出能够正常显示时间外,还能根据温度的变化而演奏不同的乐曲。 其中包括牧羊曲、铃儿响叮当、小酒窝三首曲子。 -This is my teammates to do the music and the digital thermometer, the thermometer outside that can display the time correctly, but also according to changes in temperature play different music. Including Muyang Qu, Jingle Bells, a small dimple three songs.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 张不凡 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programUSB-thermometer-code-for-CY7C63723

Description: USB termometer code for CY7C63723
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: Alexey | Hits:


Description: 带时钟的数字温度计的设计与制作,通过时钟芯片D S 1 3 0 2 、数字温度传感器 D S 1 8 B 2 0 将时间和温度信号送给单片机8 9 E 5 6 4 R D 处理,然后驱动字符型液晶显示模块JHD162A 将其显示出来-Digital Thermometer with clock design and production, through the clock chip DS 1 3 0 2, digital temperature sensor DS 1 8 B 2 0 to give the time and temperature signal MCU 8 9 E 5 6 4 RD processing, and character-driven LCD display module to display JHD162A
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: Quick51 例程: LM75A数字温度计-LM75A digital thermometer
Platform: | Size: 1212416 | Author: 王晓钰 | Hits:


Description: 数字温度计,可实现上下限温度超范围报警,KEIL C + proteus 。-Digital thermometer, the temperature can be achieved on the lower limit of range alarm, KEIL C+ proteus.
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: zhu | Hits:

[Other Embeded programThermometer

Description: 温度计,数字化温度计显示程序,C源代码,用于各种数字化温度显示环境-Thermometer, digital thermometer display program, C source code, for a variety of digital temperature display environment
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 李管得 | Hits:


Description: android 仪表盘代码。根据重力的不同指针来回摆动。-android dashboard code. Different indicators according to the gravity of the swing.
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: guowei | Hits:


Description: 单片机开发源程序:带有存储功能的数字温度计:ds1602应用-MCU development source: digital thermometer with memory function: ds1602 Application
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: 嘉铭灵均 | Hits:

[USB developUSB-Digital-thermometer

Description: USB接口的数字温度计源代码 USB芯片68013的 固件代码,驱动代码和PC程序-USB Digital thermometer Source Code Cypress 68013 , Firmware code+ Driver+ PC application code
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: youngcage | Hits:


Description: 基于89S51的实时数字温度计,能准确显示当时的温度,结果比较稳定、可靠-Based on the 89 S51 real-time digital thermometer, can show the temperature at that time, the result is stable and reliable
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: mark | Hits:


Description: 由AT89S52和八位数码管组成的温度计。-AT89S52 and by eight digital tube of the thermometer.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 廖凯 | Hits:


Description: DS18B20温度计C程序设计,用于测量温度,用的是市面上容易买的51 单片机。-DS18B20 thermometer C program
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 廖凯 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringDigital-thermometer

Description: Digital thermometer project
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: ressaly | Hits:


Description: 12864万年历 温度计 闹钟 温度检测-12864 alarm calendar thermometer temperature detection. Rar
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 网上 | Hits:


Description: this a digital thermometer control program using 8051 micro controller and LM35 temperature sensor-this is a digital thermometer control program using 8051 micro controller and LM35 temperature sensor
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: cj | Hits:


Description: 本设计使用硬件描述语言Keil C51进行设计开发,采用μVision2的综合软件设计程序。实现便携式温度计测量。-This design uses a hardware description language design Keil C51 development, integrated software design using μVision2 program. Of the portable thermometer.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 叶祥军 | Hits:


Description: AT Mega8 and LM35 based Thermometer - AT Mega8 and LM35 based Thermometer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: tahir | Hits:


Description: 基于DS18B20的温度计设计,使用数码管显示-DS18B20 thermometer designed to use digital display
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 致诚 | Hits:
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