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Description: Computer.System.programmers.perspective.pdf。。。提供给需要的同学
Platform: | Size: 4360293 | Author: guohaifeng | Hits:

[OtherRemote Subsea Intervention An Enabling Technology or Not An Installation Contractor s Perspective

Description: Remote Subsea Intervention An Enabling Technology or Not An Installation Contractor s Perspective
Platform: | Size: 340672 | Author: yaoguodong007 | Hits:

[Special Effectsheckes

Description: 透视算法的例子- Perspective algorithm example
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Graph program透视投影

Description: 透视投影的生成算法-perspective projection algorithm for the generation
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 自先 | Hits:

[Picture ViewerPerspectiv1924348162005

Description: One over Z style, perspective correct texture mapper
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: WMX | Hits:

[OpenGL programTransf

Description: OpenGl的视点变换、模型变换、投影变换、视口变换,的源代码,-OpenGl Perspective transform the model transformation, projection transformation, as I transform, the source code,
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 朱大鹏 | Hits:


Description: 图像插值程序,在一些场合需要提供真实接触感觉,可以根据视角位置变化而生成对应视点的视图,提供相应的三维感觉,从而能够“环视”场景中的三维物体。-image interpolation procedures, in some occasions the need to provide access to real sense, it may change position and perspective generation of the corresponding Perspective View, with a corresponding three-dimensional feel, to "look at" the scene of the 3D object.
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: | Hits:


Description: DirectX编程,用键盘控制camera,进行视角变换。-DirectX programming, keyboard control camera, perspective transformation.
Platform: | Size: 2966528 | Author: doudou | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeAntiPerspective

Description: 完成机器视觉里反透视变换功能,可以确定敢兴趣区,确定图像到实际道路的分辨率-completion of the anti-machine vision Lane perspective transformation function, it is possible to identify am interested in the district to determine the actual images of the road resolution
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: double_l | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcsapp.beta.10.30

Description: Computer System, A Programmer s Perspective全书-Computer System. A Programmer's Perspective book
Platform: | Size: 3584000 | Author: lydia | Hits:

[Program docA.Programmer.s.Perspective

Description: 经典图书,从程序员的角度详细介绍了计算机体系结构,对编程很有帮助。-classic books, from the programmer's point of view on the computer architecture, programming helpful.
Platform: | Size: 4368384 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 透视变换,由于摄像头存在透视效果 所以很多时候需要进行世界坐标系和图像坐标系下的转换-perspective transformation, As the camera lens effect so there is often the need for the world coordinate system and the image coordinate system conversion
Platform: | Size: 346112 | Author: 田炳香 | Hits:

[Special Effectsinverse11

Description: 逆透视变换的算法,先生成一个图像 然后将图像坐标系和世界坐标系进行转换 最后将消除透视效果的图像显示出来-inverse perspective transformation algorithm Mr. images into one image will then coordinate system and the world coordinate system conversion for the final elimination of the effects of lens images show to
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 田炳香 | Hits:

[Special Effectswork

Description: 这个是集成的小型文档图像透视变形校正的matlab源码-This is a small integrated document image perspective distortion correction matlab source
Platform: | Size: 615424 | Author: 沈祯 | Hits:


Description: Computer.System.programmers.perspective.pdf。。。提供给需要的同学-Computer.System.programmers.perspective.pdf. . . Available to needy students
Platform: | Size: 4360192 | Author: guohaifeng | Hits:

[Graph programperspective

Description: 應用透視轉換也就是線性插值法,利用矩陣的方式來顯示出結果。-Application Perspective conversion is linear interpolation method, using matrix approach to show the result.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: shin | Hits:


Description: 透视变换,根据已得到的单应性矩阵H,将摄像头所拍摄的侧视图转换为俯视图,内含运行实例-Perspective transformation, according to what has already been homography H, the camera is filming side view into vertical view, containing a running instance
Platform: | Size: 11778048 | Author: pobenliu | Hits:

[OpenGL programProjection-perspective-and-affine

Description: Drawing of perspective and affine projection in 3D using OpenGL.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: da07 | Hits:


Description: 使用matlab仿真三维物点的透视投影成像-perspective projection
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 李峰 | Hits:

[Special EffectsPerspective-Projection-Matrix

Description: 透视投影为三维图形显示的基础,在此基础上提出了一种基于透视投影矩阵的数学模型.可方便地将空间三维坐标转换为透视投影坐标,并实时地在屏幕上展现出来.并以三维数据的透视投影为例,显示了经过该透视变换后的透视图,验证了该方法的有效性.-Perspective projection of three-dimensional graphics based on this based on the perspective projection matrix based on a mathematical model. Can easily be converted into three-dimensional coordinate space, perspective projection coordinates, and in real time on the screen to show up. And three-dimensional perspective projection of data, for example, shows through the perspective transformation of perspective, verify the effectiveness of the method.
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: chengdu | Hits:
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