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[Software EngineeringHow to Write makefile

Description: How to Write makefile,
Platform: | Size: 428116 | Author: ipipip | Hits:

[Windows Kernel万能makefile学习代码

Description: 万能makefile学习代码,适合于所有c、c++文件,有了它以后的所有代码都不用写makefile,也是学习makefile很好的参考代码,有三个文件夹,包括:1、单一文件夹源文件make,2、工程用多文件夹3、静态库动态库自动生成。
Platform: | Size: 135671 | Author: kingkong529 | Hits:


Description: makefile参考手册,嵌入式linux开发必备
Platform: | Size: 1091383 | Author: hackdj | Hits:

[Program docmakefile介绍

Description: 本文件是我很早学习makefile时从网络上下载的,特拿出来给大家分享
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: gomg1984 | Hits:

[Program doc精简MakeFile教程

Description: 一份介绍MakeFile的简单教程,适合刚入门的人学习
Platform: | Size: 388609 | Author: xinghuan | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMakefile中文手册

Description: Makefile中文手册.最具参考价值的Makefile中文参考手册。
Platform: | Size: 901279 | Author: tigerlau225 | Hits:


Description: makefile例子
Platform: | Size: 38400 | Author: zhaiyuanyi | Hits:


Description: MAKEFILE 的一些入门常识-MAKEFILE some entry-knowledge
Platform: | Size: 504832 | Author: hehe | Hits:


Description: makefile文件详解,我在网上收集的,希望有谁能用得上-makefile document detailed solution, I on-line collect, hoped some who can be useful
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 刘立强 | Hits:


Description: 关于C语言的MakeFile-on the C language MakeFile
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 莫佳林 | Hits:


Description: LinuxUnix的makefile文件.rar-LinuxUnix the makefile document. Rar
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 充分理解,文件之间的关系,和makefile的用途。-full understanding of the relationship between documents and makefile purposes.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: | Hits:

[Documents跟我一起写 Makefile

Description: 关于写makefile文件的比较全的教程-write makefile documents on the comparison of the entire handbook
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 大黄 | Hits:


Description: 关于madplay mp3算法的MAKEFILE文件,可进行批处理的文件,是用c写的程序。-sound on the MP3 algorithm MAKEFILE documents can be batch of documents is used to write c procedures.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lwx888 | Hits:


Description: 书写makefile的好资料,很全面的-makefile to write a good, comprehensive
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: tch | Hits:


Description: Makefile编程及相关资料的介绍与入门。很适合初学者的学习与借鉴-Programming knowledge for Makefile. It s very usful for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 431104 | Author: 李东 | Hits:

[Linux-UnixMakefile 中文教程

Description: 文件名:Makefile 中文教程.pdf,linux/unix下编程的人不懂makefile就等于是白痴,不想做白痴的linux程序员,就先载分看看吧,-filename:Guide book of Makefile(CHINESE EDITION).pdf, if the programer under linux/unix doesn t know about makefile, he is no more than an idiot, if you don t want to be an idiot linux programmer, download it an take a look at it, hoho.
Platform: | Size: 509952 | Author: 张维成 | Hits:

[Other『 技术专区 』 - 如何写makefile

Description: 在linux下如何编写多文件C程序的makefile文件,介绍器一般规则急用法-in how many documents the preparation procedure makefile C introductory document for urgent use general rules
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 伍的 | Hits:


Description: 有关Makefile生成的全攻略,包括autoconf,aclocal工具的使用等等。- The related Makefile production all captures, including autoconf, aclocal tool use and so on.
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: 侯景昆 | Hits:


Description: linux unix makefile 编写指南-guidelines for the preparation of unix makefile
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: jay | Hits:
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