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[Finance-Stock software systemstockAny

Description: 这是一个股票盘后数据分析系统基础底层,已经实现了基本的K线图的重现,RIS线,均线图的重现, 是在一个台湾高手发布的原码上修改的,现在支持通达信的股票数据格式.-This is a stock after the data analysis system based on the ground floor, has achieved a basic line graph K reproducibility, RIS line, average return map is published in a Taiwanese expert to modify the original code, and now supports access to the letter stock data format.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: Alix.Hua | Hits:


Description: knn算法演示代码,可自动学习输入点,并形象表现输入点的最近k个邻居。-KNN algorithm demo code can be automatically input to learn, and the image input of the recent performance of k-neighbors.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘算法。K-Means聚类数据挖掘算法。该算法是用Java语言编写的。-Data mining algorithms. K-Means clustering algorithm for data mining. The algorithm is a Java language.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 张志娟 | Hits:


Description: k近邻算法的c++实现,在vs2003上编译通过-k neighbor algorithm c++ realize, in the VS2003 compiled through
Platform: | Size: 967680 | Author: ETSmallville | Hits:


Description: 基于粗糙熵和K-均值聚类算法的图像分割 -Based on Rough Entropy and K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation
Platform: | Size: 259072 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLKmeans

Description: 基于粗糙熵和K-均值聚类算法的图像分割 基于粗糙熵和K-均值聚类算法的图像分割-Based on Rough Entropy and K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation based on rough entropy and K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation
Platform: | Size: 257024 | Author: 张三 | Hits:


Description: 本代码主要对 K_means 算法用java语言实现 .对需要java kmeans同志很帮助! 并附有测试文件!-This code mainly K_means algorithm using java language. Java kmeans need is to help comrades! With a test file!
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: liunengxian | Hits:


Description: 聚类分析算法中的最基本的K均值算法C++实现程序-Cluster analysis algorithm of the basic K-means algorithm C++ Realize procedures
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李超 | Hits:


Description: K-Means动态聚类算法源程序 比较常见的聚类算法。-Dynamic K-Means clustering algorithm more common source of clustering algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: wwwiceage | Hits:

[Software Engineeringkm

Description: visual basic上的模糊k均值聚类-visual basic on the fuzzy k-means clustering
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:


Description: K均值和ISODATA分类两种算法,根据给定样本、聚类中心进行分类!-K-means and ISODATA classification algorithm, according to a given sample cluster center to classify!
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: leon | Hits:


Description: K-means算法,聚类分析中的一个重要的算法,用于分类-K-means algorithm, cluster analysis is an important algorithm for classification
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 陨石 | Hits:


Description: k-means源码(K均值聚类算法源码)-k-means source (K-means clustering algorithm source)
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 安替 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsClustering

Description: Determination of number of clusters in K-Means Clustering and Application in color image segmenta
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: liuhong | Hits:


Description: K最近邻分类的代码,附有输入输出和程序使用说明。-K nearest neighbor classification code, with input and output and procedures for use.
Platform: | Size: 518144 | Author: 胡芬芬 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsKMEANS

Description: K-MEANS算法 输入:聚类个数k,以及包含 n个数据对象的数据库。 输出:满足方差最小标准的k个聚类。 处理流程: (1) 从 n个数据对象任意选择 k 个对象作为初始聚类中心; (2) 循环(3)到(4)直到每个聚类不再发生变化为止 (3) 根据每个聚类对象的均值(中心对象),计算每个对象与这些中心对象的距离;并根据最小距离重新对相应对象进行划分; (4) 重新计算每个(有变化)聚类的均值(中心对象)-K-MEANS algorithm Input: cluster number k, and contains n data object database. Output: the minimum standards to meet the variance k-clustering. Deal flow: (1) a data object from the n choose k object as initial cluster centers (2) cycle (3) to (4) until a change in each cluster is no longer so far (3) according to each Clustering objects mean (central object), calculated for each object with these centers to object distance and in accordance with a minimum distance between a re-division of the corresponding object (4) re-calculated for each (change) clustering of the mean (central object )
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 快快 | Hits:


Description: K-均值聚类的足球机器人的新型图象分割方法,-K-means clustering of a new type of robot soccer image segmentation methods,
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 周新林 | Hits:


Description: 蛙蛙的中文文本聚类,主要采用k-means算法。wawa s text cluster using C#.-蛙蛙Chinese text clustering, the main use of k-means algorithm. wawa s text cluster using C#.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 陈石 | Hits:

[Windows Developk_Mean

Description: K聚类分析,通过使用欧式距离,K聚类方法显示聚类结果,用于分类-K cluster analysis, using Euclidean distance, K show the clustering results of clustering method for classification
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 谢天培 | Hits:


Description: K-Means动态聚类算法源程序 基于vc程序的实现-Dynamic K-Means clustering algorithm source vc procedures based on the realization of
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: wantjoin | Hits:
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