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Description: 人工选择聚类中心,用k-means聚类方法对图像进行分割,效果不错的-artificial selection cluster center, k-means clustering method for image segmentation, the good results
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: gggg | Hits:


Description: K近邻法的matlab程序,发现大家都在找它!-K-nearest neighbor method of Matlab procedures, I found that we all have to find it!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: 这是模式识别中关于k均值动态聚类算法的matlab源码-This is the pattern recognition on the k-means clustering algorithm Matlab FOSS
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: fuali | Hits:


Description: k-means 动态聚类算法源程序 非常好用 高的效率-Dynamic k-means clustering algorithm is very useful source of high efficiency
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张红 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsMergeCenter

Description: k均值聚类方法的c代码,并且带有聚类数据,适用于刚刚接触该算法的初学者-k-means clustering method c code, and with the clustering data, applicable to just access to the algorithms for beginners
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 栾国新 | Hits:

[Database systemKMEANSII

Description: 神经网络中的K均值聚类算法II: 1.KMIn为输入数据文本,其中,第一个参数为所要聚类点个数,第二个参数为聚类点的维数,第三个参数为所要求聚类的个数 2.KM2OUT为经过K均值聚类算法II计算后得到的结果-Neural network in K-means clustering algorithm II: 1.KMIn input data for the text, of which the first parameter to be the number of clustering points, the second parameter is the dimension of clustering points, the third parameter for the clustering the number of requests for 2.KM2OUT after K-means clustering algorithm II calculation results
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: blue8202 | Hits:


Description: 在Visual C++.NET2003平台下实现聚类算法中的K-MEANS算法,对随机生成的点进行了聚类。使用单文档结构,并将聚类结果显示出来。-In the Visual C++. NET2003 platform clustering algorithm to achieve the K-MEANS algorithm, on randomly generated points in the cluster. Use a single document structure, and clustering results are displayed.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 杨维斌 | Hits:


Description: k均值聚类的c#版本,我从网上找到的c版本经改造而成-k-means clustering of the c# version, I found from the Internet version of the modified form c
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张恒敢 | Hits:

[Graph programK_average

Description: K均值聚类算法,matlab编写,很好用-K means clustering algorithm, matlab prepared very well with
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 桂长青 | Hits:


Description: 自己花费整整两个星期写出来的关于数据挖掘K-means算法的论文,论文中详细的进行了论述并提出了改进后的算法以及对比欢迎下载-Of them have to spend a full two weeks to write out data mining on the K-means algorithm thesis paper discussed in detail and put forward an improved algorithm and welcome contrast to Download
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: zjz | Hits:


Description: kmeans 算法实现,有需要的下载下去,有问题大家一起讨论啊,-kmeans algorithm, there is a need to download it, there are issues to discuss U.S. ah,
Platform: | Size: 242688 | Author: 刘磊 | Hits:


Description: k-means是一种经典的聚类算法,这是用java实现k-means的源码,其中包括了测试数据文件-k-means is a classical clustering algorithm, which is used k-means realize java source code, including test data files
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 尹哲 | Hits:


Description: K-MEANS算法程序(MATLAB环境)-K-MEANS algorithm procedure (MATLAB environment)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liuwei | Hits:


Description: 一个聚类算法用K-mean处理后迭代,论文发表在PAK-A clustering algorithm with K-mean treatment iteration, papers published in the PAK
Platform: | Size: 2458624 | Author: 杜亮 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsKmeans

Description: 包含两个文件KMEAN.h,KMEAN.CPP,使用方法非常简单,将数据存成.dat文件,即可对其进行K均值聚类-Consists of two documents KMEAN.h, KMEAN.CPP, very simple to use, the data saved as. Dat file can be K-means clustering
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: XSSun | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsimage_compress

Description: 本程序利用奇异值分解对3通道彩色图像进行压缩分解,具体步骤如下: 压缩过程: 1. 选取子图像大小K值,把图像分解成M×M个子图像,IMG(s),s=1,2,…, M2,其中M=N/K,原始图像IMG大小为N×N。 2. 计算这M2个子图像的平均值average,对每幅子图像减去均值图像得到新图像。 3. 计算相关矩阵R,其元素定义为 。 4. 计算R的特征值与特征向量,计算每幅子图像与最大特征向量的内积,便得到编码,即压缩后的图像。 -This procedure using singular value decomposition of 3-channel color image compression decomposition, concrete steps are as follows: compression process: 1. Select the sub-image size K value, the image is decomposed into M × M sub-image, IMG (s), s = 1, 2, ..., M2, in which M = N/K, the original image IMG size N × N. 2. M2 calculate the average of sub-image average, for each sub-image minus the new images mean images. 3. Calculation of correlation matrix R, defined as its elements. 4. Calculation of the characteristics of R value and eigenvector calculated each sub-image with the largest eigenvector of the inner product, they will have to code, that is, the compressed images.
Platform: | Size: 334848 | Author: wangweiming | Hits:

[Special EffectsKmeas

Description: 这是一个自己编的基于K均值聚类算法的图象分割软件,界面操作窗口化,很容易操作-This is an own-based K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation software, the interface window of operation, it is easy to operate
Platform: | Size: 2249728 | Author: 王力 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTextureAnlysis

Description: TextureAnlysis.m实现遥感图像的纹理分析,以 方向邻域内的灰度均值 和 灰度共生矩阵的熵 作为纹理特征,使用k-means聚类。-TextureAnlysis.m the realization of remote sensing image texture analysis to the direction of the gray-scale neighborhood of the mean and the entropy of gray level co-occurrence matrix as texture features, the use of k-means clustering.
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: xxl | Hits:


Description: 高效的k-means算法实现,使用了k-d树与局部搜索等提高k-means算法的执行效率,同时包含示例代码,用c++代码实现。 Effecient implementation of k-means algorith, k-d tree and local search strategy are implementd to improve the effeciency, samples are included to show how to use it. All codes are implemented in C++.-Efficient k-means algorithm, the use of a kd tree with local search, such as k-means algorithm to improve the implementation efficiency of the sample code included with c++ Code. Effecient implementation of k-means algorith, kd tree and local search strategy are implementd to improve the effeciency, samples are included to show how to use it. All codes are implemented in C++.
Platform: | Size: 907264 | Author: 陈明 | Hits:

[Data structsclustering

Description: 1. 分层次聚类法(最短距离法) 2. 最简单的聚类方法 3. 最大距离样本 4. K 平均聚类法(距离平方和最小聚类法) -1. Hierarchical clustering method (the shortest distance method) 2. The simplest clustering method 3. The maximum distance the sample 4. K average clustering method (distance from the square and the smallest clustering method)
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: math | Hits:
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