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[OS DevelopMS-DOS6.0完整源代码.rar

Platform: | Size: 19890520 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly language汇编相关源代码

Description: 用汇编语言编写的一些程序的源代码,例:DOS6.0源程序中的硬盘引导记录源程序FDBOOT.ASM,鼠标控制CD-Audio播放程序,专截320*200的截画程序,V86模式切换程序,FASTREBOOT V1.0,Game Faster V1.0,Mixer Volume Ctrler V1.0,-assembly language prepared by the program's source code, cases : DOS6.0 source of hard disk boot record source FDBOOT.ASM, mouse control CD-Audio player, a cut of 320 * 200 closed painting procedures, V86 mode switching procedures, FASTREBOOT V1.0 , the Game Faster V1.0 and V1.0 Mixer Volume Ctrler.
Platform: | Size: 13959 | Author: 曹雨 | Hits:

[OS programmsdoscode

Description: MS dos6.22完整源代码!相信有很多研究操作系统的朋友需要.-MS dos6.22 integrity of the source code! I believe a lot of study of the operating system needs a friend. Oh
Platform: | Size: 19616831 | Author: 曹云发 | Hits:

[OS programdos_code

Description: Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。-Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 integrity of the source code, including all external orders, installation procedures, such as DOSSHELL. Each source documents including the development of history, an update on the Notes.
Platform: | Size: 19745177 | Author: 李雷 | Hits:


Description: DOS的一些基础工具,包括COPY,FIND,MD命令及常用DISGEN-some DOS based tools, including COPY, FIND, MD orders and used DISGEN
Platform: | Size: 3734960 | Author: cailian | Hits:

[OS DevelopDos_src

Description: Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。 这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容。
Platform: | Size: 19582379 | Author: Abel | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmultiboot

Description: 自己编程实现多引导 如果你是一个计算机用户相信你一定安装过操作系统,当你用久了一个操作系统,你可能会安装一个新的操作系统,但你往往希望保留现在的操作系统。比如当你有了一个windows98,你可以在上面再安装windows2K或是windowsXP,这是因为Windows的NTloader可以认识比自己更早的操作系统,所以能够给你保留先前的操作系统。但是如果你现在已经拥有了一个windows2K或是windowsXP你要在硬盘上再装个WINDOWS98甚至一些怀旧派人士想在上面安装一个DOS6.22,此时又该怎么办呢?你往往会用到第三方软件,比如V communications,.inc的System Commander系列,PowerQuest Corporration的BootMagic等等都是很好的选择。这些软件的将硬盘分区设置为两个或是两个以上的主分区,(也就是我们所说的双“C”盘,或是多“C”盘),把不同的操作系统安装到不同的主分区,通过激活不同的分区来实现多重引导,其优点是安全稳定,一旦一个操作系统瘫痪,一点不影响其他操作系统,个人认为值得推荐。 本文不是一篇多操作系统实现的经验介绍,因此有关BootMagic等第三方软件的使用我就不再浪费篇幅来介绍,我要给大家分析的是此类软件的实现原理。
Platform: | Size: 7790 | Author: 张海 | Hits:


Description: Dos6.22安装软件,现在使用Dos的朋友不是很多了,希望能大家一些方便.
Platform: | Size: 3982641 | Author: nxlgp_94 | Hits:

[Disk Toolsdos6.22

Description: dos 6.22启动盘源代码,现在好像不用了,把原码贴出来,高手见笑了
Platform: | Size: 4552 | Author: Au | Hits:

[OS DevelopDos6.0源代码

Description: [随书类]Dos6.0源代码-[with the book category] Dos6.0 source code
Platform: | Size: 19732610 | Author: 毕胜 | Hits:

[Other resourcedos6.22bangzhushuce

Description: 这也是一本DOS常用命令的书籍,可以帮助大家方便的查询一些DOS命令功能,喜欢研究DOS命令的网友可以下载学习!
Platform: | Size: 624408 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 软盘的FAT表(文件分配表)被损坏时,计算机就不能从软盘上读取数据。 但是,在软盘中有两份完全相同的文件分配表,而DOS在读文件时并不使用 第二张文件分配表,因此,它被损坏的可能性较低。在计算机提示FAT表损 坏时,利用第二张分配表重写第一张文件分配表,往往能成功地挽回你的软 盘上的数据。文件分配表在磁盘中的具体位置及长度视磁盘的规格不同而 不同。 本文提供的程序,用Turbo C 2.0编写,于Dos6.22,UCDOS 3.1下通过。 按照程序的提示,可方便地完成这一工作。-floppy FAT (File Allocation Table) were damaged, the computer is not possible to read data on the floppy. However, the floppy disk is identical to the two File Allocation Table, and DOS when reading the document does not use the second-File Allocation Table, therefore, it was the possibility of damage to the lower. The computer table suggested FAT damage, the use of a second table to rewrite the first File Allocation Table, often successfully restore your data on the floppy disk. File Allocation Table disk in the specific location and length depending on the disk with different specifications. In this paper, the procedures used to prepare Turbo C 2.0, in the shadow, UCDOS 3.1 through. According to the suggested procedure would facilitate completion of this work.
Platform: | Size: 1201 | Author: 王想 | Hits:

[Windows Kerneldos6.0.rar

Description: Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。 这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容。
Platform: | Size: 19951877 | Author: hsy_1022@163.com | Hits:

[OS DevelopMS-DOS6.0完整源代码

Description: Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容-Microsoft the MS-DOS6.0 complete source code, including all external commands, the installation procedure, DOSSHELL and so on. Each source document includes the development history, the renewal explanation, the annotation. This kind of set of sources code to your significance, really is unable to the words to describe
Platform: | Size: 19890176 | Author: 李寻欢 | Hits:

[OS DevelopDos6.0源代码

Description: [随书类]Dos6.0源代码-[with the book category] Dos6.0 source code
Platform: | Size: 19814400 | Author: 毕胜 | Hits:

[assembly language汇编相关源代码

Description: 用汇编语言编写的一些程序的源代码,例:DOS6.0源程序中的硬盘引导记录源程序FDBOOT.ASM,鼠标控制CD-Audio播放程序,专截320*200的截画程序,V86模式切换程序,FASTREBOOT V1.0,Game Faster V1.0,Mixer Volume Ctrler V1.0,-assembly language prepared by the program's source code, cases : DOS6.0 source of hard disk boot record source FDBOOT.ASM, mouse control CD-Audio player, a cut of 320* 200 closed painting procedures, V86 mode switching procedures, FASTREBOOT V1.0 , the Game Faster V1.0 and V1.0 Mixer Volume Ctrler.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 曹雨 | Hits:


Description: DOS的一些基础工具,包括COPY,FIND,MD命令及常用DISGEN-some DOS based tools, including COPY, FIND, MD orders and used DISGEN
Platform: | Size: 3734528 | Author: cailian | Hits:


Description: 微软公司为纪念DOS6.22推出20周年而作的纪念版使用指南。-Microsoft DOS6.22 To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the commemorative edition for the use of guidelines.
Platform: | Size: 2070528 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly languagems-dos6.0

Description: dos6.0最全代码,包括详细更新记录; 不可多得的学习资料; -dos6.o source code ,full files inside.
Platform: | Size: 19672064 | Author: jordan.sg | Hits:

[OS programdos6.0

Description: icrosoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。 每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。 这样一套源码对你的意义,实在无法以笔墨形容-icrosoft MS-DOS6.0 full source code, including all the external command, the installation program, DOSSHELL and so on. Each source file includes the development of history, update, comment. Such a source of meaning for you, words can not describe it
Platform: | Size: 19951616 | Author: 核试验 | Hits:
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