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Description: 三本优秀的DirectX9程序开发资料集合,英文版,清晰PDF和CHM格式。-DirectX9 three outstanding collection development information, in English, clear PDF and CHM format.
Platform: | Size: 6334464 | Author: Anlaen Liang | Hits:

[OpenGL programfocus.on.3D.terrain

Description: 专注于游戏的地形生成编程,适合于已经熟悉3D渲染管线的游戏开发者阅读。-Focus on 3D terrain Programing with DirectX9.0
Platform: | Size: 5575680 | Author: ray | Hits:


Description: 角色扮演游戏编程英文版,手把手教你打造自己的角色扮演游戏。-RolePlayGame Programing with DirectX9.0,writen by Jim Adams
Platform: | Size: 20280320 | Author: ray | Hits:


Description: Beginning.DirectX9 是英文版的-Beginning.DirectX9[EN]
Platform: | Size: 2078720 | Author: 枫林 | Hits:


Description: How to use directX9.0 in C Sharp.
Platform: | Size: 1361920 | Author: Wolf | Hits:


Description: directX9 深入开发 详细系统介绍应用directX sdk进行游戏开发-Introduction to directx9 3d programming and with it to code the net game
Platform: | Size: 35174400 | Author: null | Hits:

[3D Graphicdirectx9.03dsourcecode

Description: directx9.03d游戏开发编程基础源码-directx9.03dsourcecode
Platform: | Size: 3575808 | Author: 庞玉彤 | Hits:


Description: Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 该书主要讲述了如何利用DirectX 9.0进行3D游戏的开发,相信对各位学习使用DirectX 的同仁们很有帮助-Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 The book focuses on how to use DirectX 9.0 for 3D game development, I believe that learning to use DirectX helpful colleagues
Platform: | Size: 4373504 | Author: lwj | Hits:


Description: 3D游戏开发制作教程,使用的是DirectX9.0-The production of 3D game development curricula, using DirectX9.0
Platform: | Size: 4364288 | Author: James | Hits:

[Windows Developwvm

Description: 这是一个2D程序,用DIRECTX9.0写的,请大家一定要注意.-This is a 2D program, using DIRECTX9.0 write, please be aware that.
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: peterjackmwl | Hits:


Description: 一本详细的基于vc++,directX9.0,winsock 2.2的游戏编程指南,并附有代码。是一本适合初学者的教程-Based on a detailed vc++, directX9.0, winsock 2.2 game programming guide, together with the code. Is a tutorial for beginners
Platform: | Size: 1199104 | Author: shen li | Hits:

[Game EngineIntroduction_to_3D_Game_Programming_with_DirectX_9

Description: directx9 编程基础 包含空间向量 各种变换 材质 着色器-directx9 编程基础 包含空间向量 各种变换 材质 着色器
Platform: | Size: 4364288 | Author: yang | Hits:


Description: DirectX界面和接口方面的书,一本讲游戏UI编程的书-DirectX9 User Interfaces Design and Implementation
Platform: | Size: 3190784 | Author: 胡翰 | Hits:


Description: 《DirectX 9 3D游戏设计入门》,很好的3D编程自学书籍-" DirectX 9 3D game design-up" , a very good 3D programming self-study books
Platform: | Size: 4128768 | Author: 赵昕 | Hits:

[Game Enginehge-1.81

Description: 2D游戏引擎HGE1.81,整合了目前大部分相关的增强代码集合,其中包括: 1、修改支持DirectX9 2、添加中文说明文档和地图编辑器 3、添加中文输出与输出,添加Flash支持,添加与之相关Turorial代码样例 4、添加文本编辑框的选择、复制和焦点查询功能 5、添加对所有tutorials的调用工程,并修改所有Turorial工程设置以方便运行 6、添加中文的粒子系统编辑器 -2D game engine HGE1.81, integration of the current code for most of the increase related to collection, including: 1, modify the support DirectX9 2, add the Chinese language documentation and the map editor 3, add the Chinese output and output, add Flash support, add and with relevant Turorial code sample 4, add a text edit box selection, copy and focus check function 5, add a call to all tutorials project, and modify all settings Turorial works to facilitate the operation 6, add the Chinese particle system editor
Platform: | Size: 5857280 | Author: iFire | Hits:


Description: DirectX9.0教程,从入门到精通,非常适合初学者-DirectX9.0 tutorial, from beginning to proficient, very suitable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 10432512 | Author: Keynn | Hits:


Description: Beginning.DirectX9[EN} 非常帅气的一本英文direct 教程 学习了很多东西-Beginning.DirectX9 [EN) a very handsome one English tutorial to learn a lot from direct
Platform: | Size: 2078720 | Author: 张立伟 | Hits:


Description: 可用在VC++6.0上的directx9.0sdk,-Can be used in VC++6.0 on directx9.0sdk,
Platform: | Size: 7362560 | Author: weixingji | Hits:


Description: 要想从头开始建立一个引擎的话,我们首先得需要有良好的基础。在这一部分,我们将 介绍最新的DirectX 9.0 并且好好看一下其SDK 里提供的DirectX 示例框架。出于简化的考虑, 我们将把引擎建立在微软提供好的一些类上。除此以外,我们还将研究一下DirectX9.0 的一 部分,Direct3D 扩展库(D3DX)。这个工具库将满足我们对3D 数学库的基本需要,同时也 给我们提供了加载,维护我们游戏资源的方法。 在DirectX 9.0 中,我们也将深入地研究HLSL 语言,HLSL 语言是类似与C 语言的开 发语言,它可以使着色器程序员在不借助底层汇编渲染代码的情况下编写顶点和像素着色器。 这是介绍我们今天的图形硬件3D 着色器编程的好方法。鉴于其易用性和可读性,这本书将 集中介绍HLSL 语言的使用而非底层汇编语言。 对于那些想要学习底层汇编语言的读者,HLSL 也可以作为一种辅助的学习手段。DirectX SDK 里的命令行式的HLSL 编译器(fxc.exe)通过使用/Fc 命令选项可以将HLSL 程序转换为汇 编语言文件。通过编写HLSL 代码和查看对应的汇编代码,读者就能够更加了解这两门语言。 将某些特定的代码改由汇编代码编写也可以大大地提高HLSL 代码的效率。-To build an engine from scratch, we must first need to have a good foundation. In this section, we will introduce the latest DirectX 9.0 and take a look at the DirectX SDK provides an example in the framework. For simplification reasons, we will provide a good engine built on Microsoft, a number of class. In addition, we will also look at part of DirectX9.0, Direct3D Extension Library (D3DX). The tool library will meet our basic needs of 3D math library, but also provides us with a load, maintenance of our game resources. In DirectX 9.0, we will study in depth HLSL language, HLSL language is similar to C language development language that allows programmers shader rendering code compiled without the aid of the underlying case of the preparation of vertex and pixel shader. This is to introduce today s graphics hardware 3D shader programming a good way. Given its ease of use and readability, this book will focus on the use of language rather than the underlying HLSL assembly language. Fo
Platform: | Size: 2712576 | Author: Kylin | Hits:


Description: 本书是一本描述Directx 9.0可编程渲染管线,Shader技术的入门书籍。作者是Frank D. Luna,有丰富的DirectX程序经验,已出版过多本DirectX相关书籍。书中讲解由浅入深,且配合大量实例,是游戏入门书籍的精品!-This book is a description of Directx 9.0 programmable pixel pipelines, Shader technology introduction to books. The author is Frank D. Luna, has a wealth of DirectX programming experience, has published books over the DirectX. The book explain the progressive approach, and with the large number of instances, the game started fine books!
Platform: | Size: 6616064 | Author: leilei | Hits:
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